chapter 3

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19:38 PM-

The bus finally entered the schools gate, arriving back to the city, along the ride all the students were notified by their parent by a phone call or a simple text that they all will be spending the night at Shouto's house, some came by to question him especially Tenya and Yaoyorozu for his address or if any of them should bring something along the lines of a sleeping bag or such, but were told to go away by Bakugou.
Them not wanting to anger the teen left to sit in their own seats.

The students were let off the bus soon enough meeting most of the parents there, Aizawa noticing soon enough that endeavor Shouto's father wasn't there "Todoroki? Are you supposed to be walking home by foot?" Asked the teacher "don't worry, my brother is picking me up, he's in the white range rover over there" Shouto said as he pointed to the car, Aizawa nodded soon walking away to make sure all the other parents were there to pick up their kids, Todoroki soon enough began his walk to the school with a couple more students walking back to their class to place their hero costumes back "take them home with you for the day. I belive that by now the class might be locked." Exclaimed Aizawa noticing the kids didn't walk to far off before he noticed.

The group of students were all taken home each by their parents or siblings, but not before being told Todoroki's address and what time is best to come over to his house at over after, the supposed time was around 9 meaning they all had about an hour to get ready. Well all except Bakugou who got a text message short after from Shouto telling him he could come around earlier then the others for a tour of the house, Bakugou smiled at the text "old hag! I'm leaving earlier than needed!" He yelled from his room downstairs to his mother "get ready then! Ill tell your father to wait in the car!" She yelled back she chose not to question why he wanted to leave early not wanting to start a yelling fight.

08:13 PM-

Shouto and his brother Finally arriving home, and the teen was the happiest he could, the past ride home with his older brother was embarrassing to say the least, his brother chose to tease him around after he got into the car with a blush spread across his face. Natsu connected the dots pretty easily and began to tease his little brother about the boy he believed he was blushing.
"C'mon Sho! You know you can tell me!" He joked getting out of the car soon after parking the car at in the garage "ughhhh okay fine! Yes I have a crush on him! And don't even try to judge me! He's hot as fuck." Shouto admitted his blush becoming even more noticeable, Natsu smiled taking his younger siblings bag and hero suit "I'll take these to your room, go ahead and eat some dinner, I can only guess you didn't get to eat lunch" Natsu said Shouto only smiled at him before the two separated their ways one walking to the teens section of the house and one waking to the common section of the house to get himself something to eat.

As he walked into the kitchen he noticed the note his mom left for the family telling them when she'll be back from her business trip although Shouto never really payed enough attention to read it.
Shouto and her never really had a good relationship, after the events that happened when he was five and her being sent to the hospital to recover left a dent in their relationship, and sure enough when she came back the two had not the best relationship but over time it started to get better.

Shouto quickly finished his bowl of soba, placed it in the dishwasher and began walking to his section, taking out his phone he noticed it was already 08:36 'I guess I can go up and hide my hero costume, maybe even switch to something much more comfortable' the teen thought as he walked around the garden located between the sections.

It was currently 08:50 and Shouto felt a vibration from his bed 'maybe Bakugou? Or someone else from the class' the teen thought, he soon opened his messages and like he thought Bakugou texted him.

It was currently 08:50 and Shouto felt a vibration from his bed 'maybe Bakugou? Or someone else from the class' the teen thought, he soon opened his messages and like he thought Bakugou texted him

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Todoroki smiled as he walked out the door to his room, beginning his walk down the stairs and out to the garden. He soon found himself at the secondary entrance gate to the house waiting for Bakugou to walk in through the main gate, and soon enough he did, his blonde hair recognizable from a mile away, "hey Icyhot!" Bakugou yelled noticing the slightly shorter teen "hey Bakugou" he smiled opening the gate "why so many gates? Daddy scared you might be kidnapped?" Bakugou asked earning a snicker from the teen "the kidnapped won't know where to go" he replied "I remember promising you a tour so what section do you want to start with?" He asked, Bakugou looked confused "what do you mean section?" Todoroki smiled "you will know the second we get to the house" he laughed "you have a cute laugh, you know" Bakugou pointed out as a small blush spread across Todoroki's face.

"And this was the common section of the house" Todoroki exclaimed, Bakugou was a bit overwhelmed and he had a reason why, the house was huge, even bigger then Yaoyorozu's mansion "so everyone had a section here?" He asked, Todoroki nodded "we decided to divide the house into sections when I was born to be honest, best thing ever" Todoroki admitted "how about you show me where the class will be spending the night, I can only guess it won't be here" Bakugou said as he and Todoroki walked to the garden.

Its was well past 9 and all classmates were supposed  to start their arrival sooner or later "09:18.. I guess I better go open up the gate, the class can get here any second" Todoroki said getting up from one of the large sofas in the mini theater room "I guess I'll wait here?" Bakugou asked not knowing if he should follow the teen or not, Todoroki shook his head "let's go, I'm not leaving you here to get bored" he said, Bakugou smiled as he got up to follow the shorter teen, his eyes ending up on the boys waist, the urge to wrap his arm around him was going to take over but he did his best not to do was his brain wanted 'man, this boy is going to be the death of me, curse him and his perfect tiny waist' thought Bakugou doing his best as he tried to listen to the teen in front of him, guiding him to the main gate of which he entered not so long ago.

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