Chapter 8

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07:26 AM, the Todoroki household -

The morning sun has not long ago rose from the dawn, filling the young Todoroki's room with it's light, Bakugou's eyes twitched slightly as the sun light hit his eyes slowly making him wake-up.
"Ugh, the hell?" He whispered to himself, coming to his senses, a light headache disturbing him as he struggled to remember the events of last night.
The teen soon began to rise up to a sitting positions looking out the large window to his right as he felt pressure on one of his arms, looking down he found the peaceful Todoroki fast asleep his hair messy, lips parted along with a light pink flush across his face, and most importantly Bakugou's arm under his head, the boy admired the younger teen sleeping next to him as he slowly was hit with last nights events, his face faded to a dark red 'I kissed him. I fucking kissed him.. or even made out with him?! I actually kissed the hottest boy in my fucking class' he was deep in thoughts, he could bearly believe the events were real but then again there he was, laying in a bed, his hand trapped under the sleeping boy, not to mention he was in the younger boys house, he tried to remember more, recalling how he drank that night, walked in on Todoroki dancing, their first kissing session before the boy went to the shower, and not importantly he remembered what happened afterwards, how he went to shower in the spare shower in his section, how he went and grabbed a bunch of snacks drinks and even some cigarettes for him and Todoroki to enjoy after the shower, before falling asleep, he remembered they cuddled half naked on the couch in the boys bedroom watching movies, he remembered their long makeout session during one of the movies because Todoroki has seen the movie one to many times that he didn't mind doing something more interesting, he remembered the feeling of Todoroki's soft skin he smiled to himself not averting his eyes from the young teen who was still asleep, he soon felt his phone buzzing from its place on the floor where it was thrown to after the two went to bed.
Bakugou got off the bed and went to pick up his phone '07:36' was displayed on the phones screen and underneath multiple notifications all from none other than his friends, he sighed as he sat back down on the bed, opening his phone to see what his friends wanted.

Bakugou got off the bed and went to pick up his phone '07:36' was displayed on the phones screen and underneath multiple notifications all from none other than his friends, he sighed as he sat back down on the bed, opening his phone to see what hi...

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He read the messages his friends have sent in their group chat he thought of what to reply back before groaning in defeat, surprised the boy who was sleeping next to him didn't wake up 'I could take a picture and send it to them

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He read the messages his friends have sent in their group chat he thought of what to reply back before groaning in defeat, surprised the boy who was sleeping next to him didn't wake up 'I could take a picture and send it to them.. it's not like their not going to ask me 200 questions anyways..' he thought, he loved his friends even though he would never admit it to anyone but he sure didn't have the power to suffer their energy in the early morning, he soon opened his camera and took a picture of the younger teen next to him sending it in his friends group chat.

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now