chapter 4

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Most of the class has arrived already to Shouto's house, but unfortunately there were still five individuals who were yet to be found, Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tenya and Yaoyorozu.
Shouto found it simple to assume that it was because some of them lived far away but the young teen didn't know that they all lived at a 10 minute walk from his neighborhood.

Currently the Five were walking to Shouto's house together mostly because the never found Todoroki to be a fun energetic person who would have any idea on what to do with the entire class at his house, so they chose to meet up half an hour earlier than expected just to plan together some activities on what to do with one specific mission in Midoriya's and Kirishima's minds, "alright, we talked about what we could do with the entire class, but one thing we didn't talk about, how do we get the two love birds together?" Asked Kirishima noticing they already entered the neighborhood and time to plan was running out, "I say we do something about Bakugou, Todoroki is to innocent to probably even know anything about his emotions" suggested Mina, "you are not wrong, we have known the two for some time now, and Todoroki has yet to really show any kind of knowledge in that area.." Yaoyorozu admitted "what about a game of 7 minutes of heaven? But instead of spin the bottle, two people choose who are the ones in the closet?" Thought Denki "you really do like the game don't you Kaminari?" Playfully asked Tenya, noticing it was the fifth time this evening that the boy had suggested the game. "Anything for one of my best friends and his future boyfriend" Kaminari smiled, "actually, it may not be such a bad idea, Todoroki most likely won't know anything about the game, and I don't think Bakugou would back down, we just have to make sure its those to who go inside the closet" added Midoriya to the conversation "then its set! Ill make sure those two meet up in the closet tonight!" Mina happily jumped in the air, she was ready to do what even it took if it meant that Bakugou and his little love interest were together at one point in the evening.

09:18 PM-
Finally the entirety of class 1-A arrived at Shouto's house, and after explaining everyone where they can and cannot go, he guided them to the fun section of the house, as he spoke to some of his classmates.
Walking through the garden he felt his phone buzz repeatedly in a familiar pattern, he recognized it as a phone call 'might be someone important..' he thought as he pulled the phone out of his pocket, the name 'cherry🍒💕' displayed on the screen, 'probably calling to switch shifts of something..' thought the boy, cherry was one of his friends at the club who he liked to perform with, he was a teenage boy, two years older than him who joined the clubs staff about two months after Todoroki, his real name was Kenji Harumato, 'cherry' was the way people in the club called him, some would say it was a nickname to not get recognized, but anyone in the club knew that it was the name the preformer wanted to be called by when doing what he did, especially when everyone else at the club had a nickname as well, even the young Todoroki.
'I have to take this' Thought Todoroki as he looked up from the screen and searching for a familiar blonde, once his eyes landed on him he walked up to him "you remember where the section is?" He asked him, Bakugou looked confused but nodded "could you take the class over there? I have to answer my phone and I can't really talk here.." Todoroki asked directly, Bakugou didn't want to go and lead the way to the bunch of classmates but agreed to anyways "thank you so much! I owe you for this one" he said before flashing a rare big smile and running of to one of the five sections Bakugou didn't get to look at believing that Todoroki simply ran back to his room, he shook his head, as he picked up his speed walking up to the front to lead the class to the place they were going to spend the night.

Overwhelmed, shocked, jealous.. were some of the main feelings the students felt, the stuff that Todoroki had in his house made them with they offered to have a sleep over there much sooner.
And so as the class went to look around the sections and check what other things it held, Bakugou went back to the couch he was sitting on before he and Todoroki left to meet them, he was wondering to himself what was the reason behind the phone call Todoroki had to take. 'Might be family?' Was Bakugou's main guess but then again he didn't know what Todoroki's life was like, and even if he tried to imagine it, the chances he would have gotten it right would have been low.

But let's face it, who would even think about the chance that Shouto Todoroki, son of the no.2 hero was a pole dancer, or as people liked to call it was a gay stripper? Most chances? no-one.

It took Todoroki around teen minutes be he soon came back to the class, glad the phone call was only 10 minutes long and not more 'he should really find his lockers code' the teen thought to himself recalling that the call of him helping cherry open his locker to store his bag for the night, forgetting his lockers code a couple days ago.
Todoroki shook his head, noticing Bakugou on the couch the Bakusquad gathering around him, the familiar feeling of not being able to be with the older teen settled in his stomach, it wasn't jealousy nor was it anger or sadness.
To the young shouto it felt more like emptiness, the same emptiness he would drown away by staying at the club another hour or two, either drinking, dancing or sleeping around with someone during their vacations or weekends.
He smiled weakly, no-one has called his name or came by, they all were to interested by the things that Todoroki held in his possession, he turned around and left the room quickly as if not to disturb anyone 'might not be able to be fucked senseless but I still haven't opened the bottle that I bought a couple days ago I'll be gone for 10 minutes or even less' the boy thought, his section was close, disappearing for some time longer won't make to much of a big difference, besides no one knew where his room was so the chances of someone going and searching for him were slim.

Ten minutes turned to twenty but finally Todoroki got the light smell of alcohol and smoke of his clothes, dosing them with his deodorant, the teen wasn't drunk, he didn't even feel tipsy, he stayed longer because it gave him some time to think، he wasn't an addict to alcohol or anything, but he had to admit getting away from everyone for a smoke and a nice glass had its benefits.
He was finally ready to go to his classmates and pull through the night.

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now