chapter 2

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06:15 AM, Monday morning-
Todoroki's family household-

The alarm clock rang loudly, waking Shouto up.
As he wakes up and turns off his alarm clock turning around to his second nightstand and takes his phone checking for any surprise messages from anyone possible, seeing no important messages except his club's group chats usual talk, he soon turned off his phone and got ready for his schools day remembering to get ready for the schools trip.

It took Shouto close to an hour but soon enough the teen finished getting ready as he headed down the stairs exiting his sections doors and walking through the garden in the middle of the house to the common section going to eat breakfast before leaving to school, "Sho! I thought I would have to go to your room to wake you up" Fuyumi joked placing down a plate in front of Natsu "came back late last night?" He asked noticing the slight amount of makeup on Shouto's face blending in slightly with the boys tired face "not too late, but late for my normal Sunday" he replied yawning as he sat down waiting for Fuyumi to place a plate in front of him "I love you but please don't do this again, your lucky dad knows about this and he respects your choices" she said as she smacks shouto lightly as a joke, Shouto chuckles "I will do my best" he says before Fuyumi places a plate in front of him, "eat and go to school, dad already left on his patrol" she said sitting in her own chair.

The teen soon finished his food, placing the plate in the dishwasher "I'm off! See you guys later!" He waved them off as he went to exit the house off to school.

10:06 AM-

The first two hours of school went by normal, it was all about Aizawa and all might explaining to the class what to do, how to behave, and where they were going.
By now the class was heading to their bus, backpacks on their back and their hero suits in their cases carried in their hands, the students were told to bring them along with them in case of an emergency.
"Man I was waiting for this trip for almost a week now!" Yelled the excited Uraraka, nodded Midoriya "me too! What about you Todoroki?" He asked as the so-called dekusquad turned to look at him "it's just a school trip, there is nothing to really be excited about" he replied, sure he was excited, he was really enjoying the day already, but yet again, it was weird to everyone if he showed those kinds of emotions since the beginning of the school year, so he chose to just not show them, resulting in him always acting calm and having a resting bitch face.
"You really are never exited huh Todoroki?" Asked Kirishima as the 'Bakusquad' got close to their group "hey guys!" Greated Kaminari "we were wondering if you guys wanted to spread the sitting positions on the bus with us since both our squads are a bit uneven" Mina asked walking closer to Midoriya "we wouldn't mind! What sitting did you have in mind?" He replied a small smile on his face.
If only they knew what the Bakusquad had in mind for them and Bakugou himself.
"Well if you wouldn't mind, we thought that placing you with Uraraka, Kirishima with Kaminari, me with Sero, Tsu with Tenya and Todoroki with Bakugou if thats cool by you all?" Mina continued noticing in her side view how Bakugou slightly blushed at the mention of his sitting with todoroki, Midoriya smiled as Uraraka and Tenya agreed to their sitting positions on the bus, knowing well enough that Tsu and Todoroki would most likely not reply to the question at hand with a denial.

Soon enough all of class 1-A was seated on the bus waiting for their drive to begin, the class was going on a trip along side with class 1-B with two different locations as their destinations, one of them was a new training ground far away from their school which both classes will be visiting at least once a month because of its large space as a good place to train the quirks of the rising heroes, the second stop was more for fun, it was a new heroes library, which were usually used to store basic information about a hero, their stats throughout their years of work and such, so a pretty standard school trip if one would ask the class, their estimated return back to UA at around roughly 08:00 in the evening, followed by tomorrow's studies beginning at 10:00 in the morning, but unfortunately someone had a change in plans for said class.

18:37 PM-

The majority of the trip went by smoothly, with Todoroki making small talk with his classmates but usually staying around his group or Midoriya, also spending a large amount of that time with Bakugou on that matter,  the class was now returning back to the parking lot in which their bus back to UA was waiting when suddenly a villian took Aizawa down to his knees making it hard for him to get up, "you aren't as tough as the L.O.V made you seem" the villian chuckled raising his head to look at the group of both shocked, confused, scared and angry classmates "don't worry, I'll take care of you in the most painful way" he began rising off of Aizawa's body leaving him limp on the concrete floor "OH NO YOU DON'T!" the yell was recognizable, it was Bakugou as he ran up to the villian trying to take him down as the other got to safety but to no avail much like Aizawa he ended up laying limply on the floor seemingly paralyzed, soon Midoriya tried to do something and maybe weaken the villian enough but yet again to no avail, the classmates at this point were scared all except for Todoroki who picked up on the villian's method 'once he touches a persons head or neck they seem to be paralyzed. Meaning all you have to do is defeat him without him touching you.' A smirk started to appear on his face, he knew what he had to do, and on the side note he really thanked him self for learning how to hug a pole using only his legs, Todoroki stepped back as he began running up to the villian dodging his attack as the villian tried to get a hold of him, as the villian missed the teen Todoroki had the chance to use one of his hands for support as he pushed himself up, wrapping his legs around the villians neck from the back and pressing a specific point of his neck making him too, much like Aizawa, Bakugou and Midoriya fall limply on the ground.

No one knew how to describe what happened, but everyone took notice of how todoroki didn't even use his quirk to defeat the villian, a short amount of time later, the three could move again freely as they were checked for any type of injury, with police arriving short after to arrest the villian.

The class was soon back on the bus, but the atmosphere in it changed, from their usually happy one to a tense one, they began their ride home when shouto felt his phone buzz lightly, getting a text from his father.

The class was soon back on the bus, but the atmosphere in it changed, from their usually happy one to a tense one, they began their ride home when shouto felt his phone buzz lightly, getting a text from his father

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He looked over the text again 'guess I'm not getting to dance tonight' he thought as he felt a nudge on his arm "what's with your dad? Worried or something?" Asked Bakugou, slightly quieter than his usual loud tone, Shouto sighed "because of what ...

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He looked over the text again 'guess I'm not getting to dance tonight' he thought as he felt a nudge on his arm "what's with your dad? Worried or something?" Asked Bakugou, slightly quieter than his usual loud tone, Shouto sighed "because of what happened we don't have school tomorrow and our parents chose to send all of the class to a sleepover at my house" he told Bakugou trying not to sound annoyed, he felt a hand on his shoulder "might not be the worst thing, think about it, you and I can hangout some more and I'm sure you'll find a way to sneak away from our hell of a class" he whispered in my ear sounding slightly flirtatious when mentioning the possibility of the two of them hanging out, choosing to play his game the teen smiled lightly before looking at him and whispering back "don't worry, my bed is large enough for you to join me for the night babe" and with that shouto retreated back to his normal sitting position, noticing the slightly shocked but aroused face Bakugou held along with the blush on his cheeks.

Maybe the night won't be as bad as Shouto thought it would be.

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