Chapter 23

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It didn't take long before Bakugou woke up from his nap, he rose into a sitting position on the bed and looked out side the window, seeing it was still early he looked back at the sleeping boy next to him.
He smiled softly at the boy still asleep and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, earning a grunt in return as he rolled on his other side, back now facing Bakugou.
He began to laugh before he grabbed onto the boys waist, he was amazed at how perfectly he could fit his hands on it, like two puzzle pieces, he pulled the boy closer to his side.

He slowly noticed how Todoroki began to wake up, opening his eyes one after the other, he grumbled making Bakugou laugh at the process "what time is it?" He asked Bakugou looked to find his phone checking for the time "only five, we still have a good hour until dinner, and knowing our class, dinner won't be made for another 2 since I'm not there getting those idiots in line" Bakugou answered moving his hands to lightly play with the younger boys hair "mmh" Todoroki whined as he shut his eyes closed again as he got comfortable.

Thankfully the two teens didn't fall asleep afterwards, they found themselves busy talking about their days.
"Let me get this straight, you didn't fight any of the big three, yet for reasons unknown you are the one who has their number and ate lunch with them?, I didn't know you to be such a peoples person" Bakugou leaned on his arm still laying down on the bed as Todoroki went to his closet to get changed still in his schools uniform, "Honestly, no clue how they found me interesting, I guess it might be because I impressed one of them with me solving another one's quirk" Todoroki spoke, he knew there could be many more reasons but then again, why say them when you could hear them from your amazing boyfriend?
Bakugou chuckled "let's see you pretty bastard, you're pretty, you're smart, talented, strong, a great dancer, you're sensitive oh, you have an amazing build too" he spoke only stopping to hum in thought making Todoroki laugh "did I make the cold princess laugh?" He asked earning a gasp in return before quickly seeing Todoroki on top of him "who are you calling princess?" He asked raising his tone as if in disbelief causing now Bakugou to laugh, Todoroki straddled the blondes hips now sitting on his lap crossing his hands and mimicking an annoyed pout "and what if I did? Don't like the nickname?" He smirked at the boy on top of him placing his hands on his waist, earning a low yelp when he squeezed the youngers sides "Katsuki-!" Todoroki yelled at the boy hitting his chest playfully,
Suddenly, a knock was heard from the door "Todoroki! Do you know where Bakugou is by any chance? Momo needs help with Kaminari in the kitchen" came the voice of Mina, Todoroki looked at the boy underneath him before feeling himself shifting swiftly he yelped again grabbing onto what ever he could as he closed his eyes, feeling as he didn't crash on the floor he opened his eyes to see himself held up by Bakugou who held a proud smile, his face turned red as he hid his face in Bakugou's chest.
"Todoroki? I heard a yelp did you fall or something?" Again Mina's voice could be heard from behind the door, he was about to yell that everything was fine but Bakugou was faster and began his walk to the door.
Opening the door Bakugou was sure the entire dormitory could hear the squeal that came from Mina, "What do you want Raccoon eyes?" Asked Bakugou changing his grip on the boy in his hands to hold him comfortably "Well i was searching for you Bakuhoe! Momo and the others are making dinner and Kaminari is just joking around and making a mess, we need you to help us get him to stop before Momo goes insane killing him and not making dinner" she spoke fast, groaning Bakugou looked at the boy in his arms his face still a bit red, he sighed "you better not annoy me after this" he groaned earning a nod from the pink skined girl.
Walking up to the elevator Bakugou felt as Todoroki moved in his grip "Put me down Katsuki!" Todoroki whined freezing Bakugou in his place and earning an awe from Mina "you used his first name!! That is so cute!" Mina adorned the sight in front of her, taking it as a sign Bakugou smiled softly pulling the boy in his hands for a sweet kiss, thankfully somewhat ready for Mina's second squeal, "Mina? You good? This is the second ti- Holy shit!" Sero exclaimed, not expecting to see two of his friends and classmates in a kiss in the middle of the hallway "aren't those two just adorable?" She asked the black haired teen who was standing just outside his room, pulling away from the kiss Bakugou tightened his grip on the boy "you just don't want to let go do you?" Todoroki asked smiling at the boy, the sensation of the others lips still tingling on his "let you go? I would never even dream of it" Bakugou smiled "sorry to ruin the moment!-" "Mina you just did" "shush Sero! But Bakugou, we kinda need you in the kitchen-" "I heard you pink cheeks!" Bakugou yelled at the girl in front of him as he began to walk to the elevator again.
Soon they made it to the kitchen with Sero walking along side Mina and Todoroki who finally got off.

Thankfully it wasn't hard thanks to Bakugou to calm down the annoying Kaminari, while Sero helped finish dinner and Todoroki helped make the table.

Soon they sat down to eat.

I'm currently so hating this app for what its doing to me, and along with my school just beating be down exhausting me mentally, I'm not getting any chapters out..
So I know all of you have been waiting but I will take a very short break, just to get back into it..
(Currently my problem with the chapters visibility is being checked over by some people I made contact with, so I'm hoping the problem will be resolved soon enough)
I'm sorry, again)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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