chapter 9

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Todoroki was lucky that he managed to get his breathing under control but the burning sensation in his chest was still there, holding onto the young boy tugging at him, he felt Bakugou's hand take his, he guessed to comfort the boy if he saw him in the state he was in, but didn't say anything.
The two kept quiet until they entered the room, the familiar faces of some of his friends along with some of Bakugou's popped up, being the ones actually awake, they all gave large bright smiles to the two, that was when Bakugou went to sit down on the floor next to Kirishima and Mina, the feeling of his hand bringing Todoroki down to reality now gone, he made his effort to smile back to the two groups of friends before he too settled down to sit, claiming his spot next to Tsuyu since he trusted her to not try and question him, she was the closest out of everyone currently in the room to him, the two found it easy to talk to each other or just generally hang out since they both had similar personalities. Once Todoroki finally sat down next to his friends a concerned look Midoriya made, made him uncomfortable "are you okay Todoroki? None of us seen you come back after last nights game" asked the green haired boy, Shouto didn't want to answer that question but he knew that if he didn't answer the question would only be repeated until he finally did, "I'm alright Midoriya, just tired. I went to sleep late last night. That's all" he Mumbled quietly as if to give the impression he was still sleepy which wasn't fully wrong.

Thankfully, Midoriya nodded as he gave of a smile seeminglybuying his excuse, Todoroki also heard how Iida spoke about going to bed earlier tonight to rest well before school but didn't pay attention to him, he felt like he needed to get out of there as memories of the time Touya lectured him about going to bed early when in middle school began to flash in and out of his mindset, Tsuyu seemed to have noticed the happening and placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder shaking him a bit, "hm?" He hummed to her as he looked to his side "I just remembered something I wanted to talk to you about, would you mind if we go talk about it upstairs?" She began talking she knew others were listening to their conversation so as she always did, she tapped on Shouto's shoulder four times signaling to him that he spaced out "uh, sure Tsu. lead the way" he said nodding slightly signaling to her that he got the message, soon the two have left the room.

Shouto followed close behind Tsuyu as she walked up to the room she spent the night in "the group slept in the same room. Deku wanted us to sleep together as a squad but thankfully after you left the game thing, he changed his mind" she said as they arrived in front of one of the doors on the top floor, opening it to reveal the awake Yaoyorozu and Shoji "oh, good morning Todoroki! We were just about to head down the stairs" Momo greated the teen with a smile "what happened?" Asked Shoji, feeling the uncomfortable tension, he hated it when Todoroki was sad Todoroki looked off to the side staring out of the big window that was placed in the room, it didn't take long for Momo and Shoji to catch up "I'll go get Jiro to wake up Tsu would you mind going to get Tokoyami? Mezo?" Spoke up Yaoyorozu she already knew what to do in a situation like this, it wasn't the first time she and the two other boys had to witness this, after all they knew Shouto for almost half of their lives.
Shoji watched as the two girls left the room to go get the others from their friend group, he sighed "come here" he whispered getting closer to the young teen, it was painful for Shoji to watch the poor boy, it didn't take long for the boy to cave into the hug Shoji offered him and soon they were on his bed, Shouto making his best efforts not to cry and Shoji playing with his two colored hair "you can let it out.." he whispered in the boys ear just like when we were in school back then, before all the stress of joining UA "alright, who hurt my prince of darkness? I'm not having it" said Jiro walking in through the door way to the room in which the girls slept "do you want me to tell dark shadow to bring ice cream?" He heard Tokoyami ask as he to sat down on the bed, he shook his head lightly "it's okay" he mumbled "Todoroki don't lie to us, we've known you for years.." Momo walked up to the three boys on Mezo's bed, she looked at Tsuyu "he seemed to be thinking about something.. I didn't know what but it seemed serious" she spoke, "you two can go down stairs, we'll join you soon" Tokoyami said earning two nods from Jiro and Tsuyu before they left the room, they knew that when it came to calming Todoroki down in a difficult time, the three had the best chance of success.

The door Finally closed leaving the four on their own, Shoji let go of Todoroki releasing him from the hug as Momo took the boy into a soft embrace "I know something hurt you, and as your Ex's and mental stability team I really need you to tell us what happened" she spoke softly letting his head lay on her chest, the sound of her heart beat calming the boy down "Memories.." he sighed, he felt on the verge of crying "aw, baby.." she played softly with his hair, ever since the beginning of their relationship the two had a way to tell when one of them felt wrong.
Even after their attempt at dating half a year ago and their break up they still had a connection like none other, it took awhile for the boy to calm down, in which the four had found them selves cuddling, laughing and talking as they passed the time, recalling of times when they only first meet.

(Only read if you want to know more about each character! Not necessary for the plot)
-They all went to the same school, even before UA, although they were in different classes they were all familiar with each other, that's one of the reasons why at some point they developed a relationship with the schools sweet heart, Shouto Todoroki, Momo was known in the school as the smart girl, head of schools council she was quite popular, Tokoyami was another student on the school council, he too was one of the popular teens in the school having one of what many said coolest quirk. Many also recognized him as one of the coolest teens usually not being scared of anything some even called his a heart breaker for the way he got everyone to fall for him but never fell for anyone. Shoji was Shouto's friend in school, they had the same classes, he was knows as the schools athlete because of the way he spend most of his time on the schools sports teams, the three had a common language all being pretty known but one thing that connected them more than anything was Shouto Todoroki the son of Endeavor and the schools crush, everyone of them fell for him, it even made sense why, the boy was smart, strong, beautiful, shy and so on and so on.
The first of them who managed to get him for themselves was Shoji, the Athlete, the were counted as a power couple in their whole year of dating, next was Shouto and Tokoyami they found it easier to date in secret the only ones to know were their close friends and lastly was Momo and Shouto, that was even the time when the Four became good friends, finding out all there had intentions getting into UA's hero course to pursue their hero careers, and not surprisingly ever since then they all became good friends.-

Momo looked at the clock of her phone "it's nine, I guess we should go down, I can only guess breakfast will be soon since that's when you usually eat" she broke from her hug with Todoroki who nodded in return "but first-" Shoji begun "what happened to you? You don't get nervous for no reason?" Tokoyami continued the other.

Shouto felt his insides curl once he heard the question.

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