Chapter 13

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"Bakugou.." todoroki smiled softly when he saw his boyfriend walk in through the door to the room "how are you?" Bakugou asked, his face held a soft smile Todoroki extended his arm out, he wanted to be held and thankfully Bakugou understood "besides the muscle thing and the pain in my leg from the jump of the ice wall I'm fine, I guess this means no hero training for at least a month for me, huh?" The short teen frowned "Aizawa and your dad did talk about how you won't be able to do much except for training your fire since you didn't get hurt on that arm, but NEVER and I mean NEVER do that again!, I was worried like hell about you" Bakugou kissed the boy on his cheek his grip even tighter than before "I'm sorry. I and Kirishima just thought that we needed to do something so we did.." he murmured seemingly tired "next time this kinda stuff happens you better stay behind. I won't be able to live with myself if you get hurt" Todoroki chuckled "you worry too much" "and I better!" He kissed the younger boy "I heard from Aizawa that we're getting dorms when we go back" he paused to see Todoroki's reaction "guess I will get to spend more time with you~" he smiled earning a tired smile in return "guess the class will figure it out soon then, won't they?" The young teen questioned, he knew that the class would figure it out at some point but the two teens enjoyed their private relationship "I say we don't tell them and just let them figure it out... besides, you're kinda hurt right now so we can't just say that Aizawa made me take care of you" Bakugou thought of an excuse.

The two teens continued their conversation like normal talking about anything that really came to their mind when Bakugou finally looked at the clock that was hung on the wall "it's getting really late.. you better get some sleep" he spoke as one of his hands rubbed his back in comfort, Todoroki looked at his eyes half-lidded "I hate hospitals. And I hate sleeping in them." Todoroki protested, sure he was tired but he wasn't planning on sleeping in the cold room he was in Bakugou sighed "I know you hate hospitals, but please, for me go to bed" he leaned against his boyfriend pulling him in even closer "how about no?" Todoroki smiled at the boy hugging him "I'm not going anywhere. I will stay here with you I promise" the blonde whispered in his lover's ear "fineeeee" the teen dragged the word as he lay back down in the hospital bed dragging Bakugou along.
Todoroki slightly laughed at his actions result and Bakugou found himself staring at the boy with a soft smile plastered on his face.

Once Todoroki finally calmed down he looked at the boy on top of him "what?" He asked playing innocent with the other "you're cute, have I mentioned that?" Bakugou spoke and kissed the boy's cheek "every day at least ten times a day" Todoroki joked before kissing Bakugou but this time on the lips.
The kiss was sweet, not too long but not short either, it was just long enough for both boys to feel satisfied with the kiss.

The two continued their usual conversations with Bakugou asking the other if he was okay every half-hour or so and was always returned by a sweet smile and an "I'm fine as long as you're here" from the teen.
Soon enough after long conversations and a quiet cuddling session, both boys fell asleep one on top of the other, both seemingly calm, not aware that the next morning will be one hell of a morning.

07:13 AM, Fukui General hospital -

Once Bakugou finally woke up from his peaceful sleep  he didn't expect to find Todoroki awake looking out the window, "how come you woke up before me?" He asked as he moved to get out of the bed "hospitals get even colder in the morning and I find it hard to sleep when it's cold... I woke up around an hour and a half ago." Todoroki walked over to the bed "well at least you got some sleep, but once you get home, you get 8 hours, okay peppermint?" Bakugou finally got out of bed Todoroki nodded at the taller and received a peck on his cheek, soon a knock on the door was heard "I'll check who that is you get in bed, we don't need anyone yelling at you to rest" Bakugou jokes before leaving another peck on his boyfriends cheek and walking over the door.

Behind the door stood Kirishima and Iida, "what the hell are you two doing here? You were told to go home stupid extras" Bakugou spoke, confused as he saw the two "did you really not open your phone since last night? We created a group chat with some of the class and said we'd come over to visit Todobro" Kirishima asked the blonde "Bakugou, may I ask what are you out of everyone doing here?" Asked Iida who didn't expect to see the other "I was bored and woke up early, and since I can't really leave I came over to see if Icyhot isn't dead over here" Bakugou lied to the two, he didn't want to betray Todoroki and tell them he was there because he spent the night with his boyfriend, Bakugou soon moved out of the way and walked back to the bed Todoroki was in grabbing a chair to sit on since now he couldn't sit cuddled with his boyfriend "Todobro! Hey, how are you?" Asked Kirishima as the two teens entered the room "Hello Kirishima, Iida, I'm fine just a torn muscle and a hurt leg" Todoroki spoke watching as the two come by "I'm sorry it happened to you, we shouldn't have made you do all the heavy lifting of the distraction and helping us get Bakugou out of there" Kirishima apologized, Todoroki smiled and shook his head as he heard Bakugou's low growling "I was the one who suggested we use my quirk, besides it came out to be useful at the end so everything is alright, you two shouldn't be beating yourselves for it" Todoroki spoke earning a nod from Kirishima and a warm smile from Iida "I suppose we really shouldn't beat ourselves for the events of last night" the blue-haired teen spoke "none of you should have done anything in the first place. It was stupid of you to come and try rescuing me" Bakugou protested when suddenly he heard the all familiar voice and saw the familiar green-haired teen running up to hug Todoroki tightly "I'm so happy to see that you're alright Todoroki-Kun!" Exclaimed Midoriya happily  "Midoriya my arm!-" Todoroki yelped, as the freckled boy crushed his arms in a hug "Sorry!" Midoriya quickly apologized "hello everyone!" Created Yaoyorozu from the room's entrance "sorry it took us some time to get here! The doctors wanted to make sure everything was alright" she spoke as she waved a quick hello to Todoroki "Hello Momo, I guess your head injury is all better now huh?" Todoroki asked, making Yaoyorozu shake her head and smile "I should be the one asking if your alright! You are the one who won't be able to do much with your harmed hand" she spoke earning confused looks from the boys all except Bakugou and Todoroki "a torn muscle is not that big of a deal Momo, besides I wouldn't mind a break from quick training" he laughed seeing Yaoyorozu's disappointed face.
For the next hour Todoroki and the other decided to talk about random things, almost anything they could think of before Aizawa stepped through the door with Endeavor close behind "Guess I won't have to go looking for all of you" Aizawa started earning everyone's attention he sighed "due to everything that has happened all of you will be moving into a dormitory that is currently being built on school grounds. It should help us keep a close eye on all of you especially after what happened." He began explaining "does this mean we won't be seeing our parents?" Asked Iida surprised "for the first few weeks no. If everything will go as it should you will be able to leave the school premises of holidays and weekends to visit your family, thankfully MOST of your parents have agreed to the change" Aizawa continued as he gave Endeavor a disappointed look and he Getting a shrug in return "I'll let Shouto go to the dormitory only if he wants. He decides to go live there" Endeavor announced to the teacher, Todoroki thankfully knew what he meant in his words, 'if I go to the dormitory them no more dance training.. and no going out to the club for at least a month' he thought to himself, Todoroki didn't want to stop his dancing, mainly because it was a workout in itself but if he was to become the hero he wanted to be it was a sacrifice he was ready to make.

"Thank you for your concern old man" Todoroki smiled seeing his father faking being hurt by the name "-but I do not mind going and living in the schools dormitory if I have to" Todoroki smiled.

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