chapter 7

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The two boys made their way up stairs to the final floor, this time there was no hall with doors to multiple rooms but just a one room and two other doors and a balcony. (you can imagine it looked like this 👇)

The room was fancy to say the least a large balcony stood at one end, next to it a small couch, coffee table, TV and a small fireplace behind a wall of this thick glass and marble, on the other end of it a large bed most likely king sized to Bakug...

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The room was fancy to say the least a large balcony stood at one end, next to it a small couch, coffee table, TV and a small fireplace behind a wall of this thick glass and marble, on the other end of it a large bed most likely king sized to Bakugou, a door stood next to both sides of the bed, the two made their way to the bed "so, what do you wanna start with?" Bakugou asked the shorter boy "for one, I'm sorry for disappearing after what I said during our time in the closet, I drank some before it and I guess it kinda took over me, I'm also sorry for leaving you on read.." the boy began "its fine, you couldn't have known we would be stuck in a closet together and about the text I could care less, you are alright so no need to worry about you ignoring me like a little shit" Bakugou told the boy and smiled lightly "I guess you're right.. I'm just sorry if I ruined your night" the boy continued his head hanging low as his hands layed on his lap, Bakugou took ahold of one hand before he again took a hold of the younger teens chin with his free hand making him look at him " you don't have to apologize, I'm having more fun with you now then I could've had with anyone else in our annoying class" he admitted, seeing Todoroki eat himself up for such a stupid thing was to much for his heart, the two stared at each other, it was quiet in the room, once in a while one of the boys would try to look somewhere else but it didn't work, the found comfort in each other's eyes, the hand Bakugou held was still there they never pulled away and neither did he move his hand from under the boys chin, 'fuck it' thought Bakugou when he finally had the courage to try and lean in to kiss the other, the glass from earlier made the decision easier to make and he soon leaned down closer to the boy as he kept his eyes fixed on the others for a moment longer before looking at the boys pink tinted lips.
Suddenly lips met lips as the two boys connected in one passionate kiss, it didn't take long before the two pulled back, none of them expected this event to happen but it didn't stop them from repeating it again it wasn't like they wanted to stop either way.
This time the kiss lasted longer, the boys lips met in sync each time they collided as if it was their millionth kiss, soon enough Bakugou's hands found their way to Todoroki's waist sitting there like puzzle pieces and Todoroki's hands found their way to the others neck and hair, the kiss was long and sweet, resulting in the boys wanting to repeat the kiss again and again.. and again.
By the time the two were satisfied Bakugou held Todoroki in his lap, back leaning against the wall and Todoroki's legs were wrapped around the older teens body one hand on his chest and another in his hair, Bakugou looked over the boy in his lap hands still on the others waist he smiled before leaning his head against the others shoulder "God you sure do know how to get me wanting to kiss you more" he joked, he was surprised by how much of a natural it felt when he kissed Todoroki "you ain't bad yourself, I could honestly keep this up all night" said Todoroki his eyes half lidded.
Bakugou looked up at his face again "you tired?" He asked, noticing the boys relaxed features "only if you stay here with me, it gets lonely in a bed this big alone" the boys commented tracing a finger down the others chest and abs 'he's so well built, I wouldn't mind coming in second place for him if it means I get a strong someone like him to kiss me' began the thought train that Todoroki didnt even try to stop, he soon was thinking of darker things Bakugou was talking but the other was only half listening 'if we were dating he could've already had me in the bed naked, how big is he? Being his its probably perfect' the boy thought his mind getting dirtier with every second, he felt pressure on his lips and suddenly he came back to reality "shit you must really be tired huh?" Bakugou asked, noticing the boys in his lap was broken from some soft of a trance "my mind is easily distracted, and besides-" he looked at the clock on his room '12:37' just how long have they been together? "-it's late, I am allowed to be tired" Todoroki finished his sentence before he got off of Bakugou's lap and plopped down on his bed sheets "no shower first?" Asked Bakugou remembering how sweaty todoroki must be after dancing for God knows how long "you staying the night? If you are I'll go shower" Todoroki said, he wasn't tired, he was relaxed. Calm and happy to know his little crush might just become more than that soon enough, Bakugou pressed his face into Todoroki's shoulder his hands now fully wrapped around him, he wasn't tired but if Todoroki wanted to sleep and wanted his company who is he to say no? He smiled "go shower, I'll wait here" said Bakugou "mmm~ you can go get yourself some stuff from the snack room, there should be some more bottles if you want another glass or if you want to smoke there should be some stuff" Todoroki rose slowly off of Bakugou and his bed "you can also go shower if you want to" Todoroki added as he walked into one of the door next to the bed.
Bakugou smiled softly looking out the large window, watching as the moon light entered the room 'guess I could ask you out tomorrow' he thought as if he was talking to Todoroki.

He sure has fell for the boy who was in his hands not long ago.

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now