chapter 12

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Fear, that was what everyone felt or at least those who were at the hospital at that time, it seemed that not long ago everything was fine, that is before the attack on both classes 1-A and 1-B at the training camps ground and the rescue event that followed soon after happened.

For most everything seemed fine, as most class could calm down as they watched the news about the happening, all except for six students, "I knew something would happen I should have stopped you" Iida sighed as he sunk in his chair "we didn't know this would have happened Iida, besides none of us could have known" Momo tried to calm the other down reassuring him that everything was fine as they waited for news from one of the doctors in the room next door to them "you damn extras why the hell did you not stop him?!" "Kachan please" Midoriya tried calming the blond down "don't even try Deku, if you didn't tell him to make that ice wall he wouldn't have been in there right now" Bakugou got angry "problem children?!" They heard the all familiar voice of their teacher "what are you all doing here?" Asked Endeavor who much like Aizawa just arrived "we have been here waiting for news about Todoroki's status.." Kirishima spoke, disappointed in himself "you know what happened?" Asked Endeavor as the teens nodded "well then?" Asked Aizawa, Bakugou sighed "these damn extras tried to save me from the villians and they made Todoroki use his quirk to make a huge ice wall after everything that happened at the camp so one of the deeper cuts on his right side opened and not only did it start bleeding but he also froze it resulting in a freeze bite there" Bakugou explained, he watched closely as the two grown-ups expressions changed "is he alright?" Asked Endeavor, his father "he seemed fine when we got to the hospital, tired after using his quirk but overall alright" Iida answered "whos idea was it for Todoroki to risk opening his wound?" Asked Aizawa as he looked at all students "I did sir, I didn't know he could open his wound" Midoriya stepped closer as he confessed his actions "which wound did he open? And more importantly froze?" Asked Endeavor, Bakugou already had an idea to where this was going "upper cut next to his shoulder.." Kirishima answered the question "why is that so important?" Asked Aizawa as he turned to face Endeavor, he looked disappointed "about a month ago he hurt his shoulder it wasn't anything serious but he was told to not do anything crazy with that hand to make sure he didn't hurt his arm further more" Endeavor announced everyone seemed surprised, well everyone but Endeavor and Bakugou, since the two already knew for a long time "Mr Todoroki?" A voice popped from the rooms entrance, a doctor walked to them, "what is it?" he asked the doctor "fortunately, the boys arm is fine for the most part nothing to bad so no surgery, but because of the frost bite his arm had to suffer and the loss of blood he had managed to tear his muscle mildly" the doctor explained "I suppose he will have to heal his arm naturally, am I correct?" Asked Endeavor seemingly understanding the situation "for the next few days yes, if the healing will be fast he will be able to let the muscle heal on its own for three weeks but if the healing time will take any longer than that he will be able to come back for a quirk healing" Endeavor nodded "can we go see him?" Asked Midoriya "currently we are running some test to make sure there is no other big injury, we believe it could take up to an hour" the doctor answered before he returned beck to the room "alright, you two go home and rest up. The three of you are staying here, two of you are still injured and need rest and you Bakugou, we need to make sure nothing bad happened to you during your kidnapping" spoke Aizawa, it took some convincing but at the end the kids agreed to do what they were told, "text us the second you get home, we will continue trying to go see Todoroki" Momo spoke to Kirishima and Iida as they made their way to her room "of course Yaoyorozu, and please if anything happens update us!" Iida spoke as Kirishima hugged Yaoyorozu goodbye "I'll try to get Bakugou to stay here if he isn't hurt. He might have the best chance to get in there if he will be able to leave soon" Kirishima told the other two, and soon they parted their ways.

With the pro's and Bakugou-

"How come you have me stay here? I look fine don't I?" Asked Bakugou minutes after Midoriya has finally left for his old room to rest "look kid, I know you but we just want to make sure you're 100% good" answered Aizawa before excusing himself to go talk to the doctors about Todoroki's Status "You know he's not really going to get you to do these tests, right?" Asked Endeavor, Bakugou looked confused at the hero "your mom and I spoke to Aizawa. We explained the situation at hand and he agreed to play along with us." Endeavor began before sitting down on one of the chairs "you and Shouto are still keeping your relationship a secret from what Shouto told me, but since you help him a lot with everything I spoke to Aizawa and explained your relationship to him and he has allowed you to stay the night here and keep Souto company, he will tell your friends that you had some mild injuries so you spent the night here to get them fixed so they don't suspect." He continued speaking "how come you want me to stay here and spend time with him? You're his dad don't you want to make sure he's ok?" Bakugou asked the hero sitting next to him, Endeavor smiled "Shouto needs you more than he needs me, you and him have a very good relationship and if anything happens to him you will be able to help him more, besides, I unfortunately have a patrol to go on in two hours and from what I remember Shouto finds it hard to sleep at hospitals" Endeavor explained the situation earning a nod from the teen.

For the next hour, Aizawa and Endeavor made small talks here and there as they waited for the doctor to come back with the final analysis of Todoroki's injuries, if Bakugou had to be honest, he didn't enjoy having to suffer their conversations but at the same time it came useful for him as he learned that the school is Adding a dormitory extension to the school, which in return benefited Bakugou since he could spend more time with Todoroki.
"Sir?" Finally the doctors have left Todoroki's room  Endeavor looked at the doctor his current conversation with Aizawa cut short "we have checked multiple times and thankfully except for the torn muscle in his shoulder and a few more cut and injuries and a hit to his leg there is nothing big, from what we believe he should be able to leave the hospital in two days, you can go see him now" Bakugou listened closely to what the doctor said, he was relieved for the most part now that he knew his boyfriend was okay.

He looked at the door to Todoroki's room and soon made his way to it, not waiting for the doctor to finish.

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