🔮Day 5 (4/4)🔮

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It's already Saturday.
It was past 8pm but I still decided to go to the convenience store because I needed to buy some things for my mother.Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Sungchul together with Sunoo. I stared at Sunoo.
He really didn't looked so good. Under his eyes were purple lines and his face looked pale.His lips were a mix of blue and his actual pink lip color.I needed to hide somewhere or Sunoo would just run away again. It's too dark outside.

"Eunwoo!Let me hide myself under the desk!" I yelled at the Cashier. He's my cousin so I wasn't rude or something.

"Why?"he asked me annoyed.
" Sunoo... "I whispered.
"Ohhh,now I get it."he smiled but it was a creepy smile to be real.

"Let's see what we can do hehehe."He said in a confident tone."YAH HYUNG!"I screamed quietly after he hit my head.

"Hey whats ur name?"Eunwoo asked someone.
"I'm Sunoo"
I gasped. This Idiot

"Hey Sunoo,I'm Eunwoo nice to meet you cutie.Can I get your number?He asked Sunoo and I could hear him giggle. Sunoo hummed and I felt like my world would break. He really likes this kind of boys?

"I don't know if you can have my number but I think you didn't got the hint. I'm not interested in you but I'm sure you can find someone else."Sunoo said with a cold voice.
I touched Eunwoos shoes.
I wanted to signal him to stop and don't take it further.

"Aren't you single?" he asked even tho I wanted him to stop.

"Yes but I have already someone who I can text every night,I already have someone who can hug me when I feel down and I already have someone who I would share my whole life with him so I'm not interested to be neither your friend nor something else.
Ah and don't ask me another time please,I definitely won't change my mind"he answered and after a few seconds I only heared Eunwoo saying:

"If he doesn't have feelings for you than I don't know."

I hit his shoulder.I wanted to kill him but I was quite relieved."He doesn't need to mean me,at least he should be happy Hyung."I said and got up."Riki don't worry,his eyes really sparkled when he said everything.You are a good boy baby."he said and hugged me.


I walked alone to school together. Sungchul and Taeyong walked together since Sunoo didn't go to school. Jungwon was driven by his friends and Jaebeom was taking the bus. I preferred walking. I didn't liked cars or busses.I don't know why but everytime I'm stepping into a car,my heart beat goes faster and I hear in my head a voice.

"Don't worry sweetheart,your Birthday is-"and then I could only hear a loud crash.

That's it.
I didn't recognized the voice.
Maybe I just watched too many dramas.
I was walking around and hoped that Sunoo would be there. I reached the school and my heart skipped.
Sunoo was standing there with Sungchul and Taeyong.
Jungwon,Jeongin and Jaebeom stared at him but they didn't said something to him.I noticed a present behind my back.

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