🔮Day 3 (3/4)🔮

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I'm watching MAMA 2020 LIVE but let's begin..
Ps:MAMA 2020 ended and I only can say... Mama is a snake🐍🔥

 Mama is a snake🐍🔥

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I woke up on a couch. I didn't know where I was nor what happened. I only can remember that I cried in an alley yesterday.I turned around and saw Niki who was sleeping.

He was hugging the pillow next to me. I chuckled.I looked around. His house was really pretty. I doesn't seem like a big house but it still looks comfortable."Good morning.I'm Riki's mother" a woman said quietly who came out of the room next to the living room.

"Oh h-hello" I stuttered and got up without waking Niki up. "Are you hungry?Let's eat something in the kitchen."she said and smiled. I looked back at Niki who was still asleep.

"Don't worry,let him sleep,he always sleeps long."she said and went to the room where she came from. I hesitated at first but followed her.

"So,Sunoo is you name right?"she asked and I nodded."I know what happened. Your brother told me what happened and Niki found you outside."she said and I only played with my fingers.

"It's really hard right now but you need to talk to them okay?They are really worried about you."she said and held my hand suddenly.

She sat next to me and looked me into my eyes."My son did something like that too a few months ago.It broke my heart but I never stopped loving him.I know you are scared and you feel guilty about what you said but everyone makes mistakes.Making a mistake is normal!" she said with a calm but powerful voice.

I weakly smiled at her. She got up and made her way to the fridge. After a few minutes she only said" Sunoo". "Yea?" I answered. "Niki told me already about you.You look really cute on the picture with him on Ig."she said.

At first I was shocked, then I felt embarrassed but after all this emotional mess I felt relieved that she liked me. What am I thinking? I'm not relieved. Why should I. We ate together and talked about school and Niki.

She said Niki is a really talented dancer and that's its the first time Niki every brought a friend home and cuddled with him. I only turned red when she mentioned that. After good 20 minutes ,I heared footsteps. "Looks like Mister Riki is awake."she said laughing."Mom where is Sun-" He looked at me. "Oh.. forget it!Sunoo Hyung!" he screamed and jumped on my back.

"Take it easy sweetie and don't annoy him"his mom said. She's good a roasting him because she really argumented with him for 10 minutes straight.I was just laughing.

"Sunoo sweetheart,you can stay here as long as you want."she said and smiled softly at me.

" Thank you Miss Nishimura but I think I should go home and talk with the others"I answered. She just smiled even more, probably because she gave me the advice that I should talk to them as soon as possible. They walked me till the door.

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