🔮Day 13 (3/4) The Final Chapter🔮

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Read till the end.Theres one special Chapter left but it will contain a few years between this chapter.

Theres one special Chapter left but it will contain a few years between this chapter

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„What is going on here?Niki please explain it."I asked him while rubbing my eyes sleepily.

„N-nothing!We didnt wanted to tell you that w-we dont have..e-eh....e-eggs!No pancakes"

I pouted angrily.I wanted pancakes so bad after what happened yesterday.I was looking at the clock and saw it's already past 1pm.

„Sunoo let's go upstairs."Jungwon took my hand and we went upstairs.

„Jungwon~"I smiled and he looked at me confused.

„I want to have a date with Niki...In this one year we weren't on many dates"I whined remembering what happened.

Jungwon kinda looked disappointed but he agreed that we should go on a date.

„What should I wear?????WaAaAaHhHh"I screamed going trough my closet.As expected Jungwon was giggling and wasn't a big help.

„Can we go buy eggs?I want pancakes.."Jungwon face palmed his face and chuckled."Let's gOoO"he stood up and gave me a strange glare.

„Yah wear something normal,ask him if you guy's can go on a date and then we will find you something ordinary"he made a heart with his fingers and I gave him a flying kiss what he catched but...threw it in the bin next to my door.Ouch.

I changed my clothes and hell yea,I knew I was the cutest boy on earth since I got into School but- Damn I look hot.

I changed my clothes and hell yea,I knew I was the cutest boy on earth since I got into School but- Damn I look hot

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"Wow.."Kyungmin gasped.

"You look breathtaking.."Niki complimented and it made me remember the time when we kissed each other the very first time.He often made me compliments and it made our relationship go well.

I hugged Niki and could hear Sungchul and Taeyong fangirling.

"Niki~ Can we go on a date today?"I asked him and he suddenly coughed alot.He nodded and responded with "What do you want to do?"

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