🔮Day 6 (2/4)🔮

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"So Niki right?"K asked me through the phone.I was shivering and I could only stutter"y-yes" quietly.

"I heared you are my son's boyfriend,is that true?" he asked me but before I could answer he asked me another question.
"You were also the one who made Sunoo cry last week,is that right?"

After I heared him saying that,I felt like throwing up. Guilty thoughts took all over my head.

"I'm sorry Sir,it was a misunderstanding.I never wanted to make Sunoo cry and skip school."

I took a deep breath and started to speak again.

"I know it's hard to believe but I really love Sunoo alot. He makes me feel butterflies in my stomach,everytime he smiles at me,I could scream because he's so cute and he deserves the entire world.I'm sure I can give him what he deserves. If you want me to break up with him,then I apologize but I won't,I just love him too much to not have him around me anymore."I spoke loudly and confident.

"Niki" he said in a really REALLY creepy voice. I sighted knowing what comes next.

"I just wanted to invite you to eat with us on Friday."He said and I heared people laughing in the background.

"This is the most embarrassing situation I've ever experienced."I said hitting my forehead repeatedly.

"Don't forget that you recently called your Aunt "Uncle" because you thought she was your Uncle."a voice in the background said.

"Oh yes this was emb-"I began but then I realized something.

We stayed in silence a little bit before I was completely sure.

"EOMMA?!"I screamed.
"Yes my son?"she said,probably holding K's phone because now I could hear her voice clearly and loud.

"Before you ask,Hanbin invited me to go eat with him and his Boyfriend dinner so I accepted the offer of course."she said kinda proudly.

"Mom don't embarrass me please.I already have a not so good reputation after Sunoo skipped school and cried because of me"I whined, hoping it will end well.

"Well....you embarrassed yourself enough already sooo~" she laughed.I declared "half embarrassed" but she was still laughing like crazy.

After I talked a little bit with her and Hanbin,I
ended the conversation.
"Sunoo~ Are you awake?"I asked going downstairs.

I didn't heared a response so I went to the place where he fell asleep.

He was still there, hugging now the orange pillow,having his knees on his chest and Salvia was dripping down his mouth.
He looked like a huge cute baby and again I feel inlove with him.

I put my arms around Sunoo and laid on top of him.


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