🔮Day 1 (4/4)🔮

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Me and Sunoo just walked in the direction of the canteen to meet Jaebeom and Jungwon. Although he only meet me and jaebeom recently, Sunoo is actually quite nice to us.

Sure he's mostly quiet but he seemed like it wasn't his point to make us think he's annoyed with us.

Sunoo and I had just a talk about this year's free-to-do club activities and I told Sunoo that I'm going to be part of the football team. Then I started telling him how Jaebeom is alike and surprisingly he seemed interested whenever I talked about Jaebeom.

Before he could answer it, a young man whose face I couldn't see at first ran against Sunoo and they both fell down.

"S-sorry" could only be heard from the boy laying on Sunoo. When I looked at the boy, I knew who that was.

"Nishimura Riki?" I asked Uncertain.His eyes sparkled as he looked at me. "Hyung?!" he almost screamed.

I didn't knew he goes with us to school this year! This is great!

"Can you go down from me?" Sunoo suddenly asked with a slightly annoyed look. What a great first impression they both made for each other. Sunoo using his 'I don't give a fuck' glare while Niki was pretty much worked up about the sudden mood change from Sunoo.

"Ah yea of course. I'm sorry again," Riki said, getting up and helping Sunoo get up. Sunoo rejected his hand and put himselfs on his feets again.

"Riki why did you run?" I asked curious. Niki only hurries if it's Dance practice time, if he's hungry or if his mother is behind him, ready to beat the shit out of his silly ass with her stick. Sunoo reached for his ass, probably hurting when he fell down.

"Please don't call me Riki again, I prefer Niki. Call me Niki." he said and looked at me annoyed but still happy. Suddenly Sunoo reached for his chest.He breathed in and out quickly what made me remember Hanbin's words in the car.


I looked at the boy who ran against me. "He was really pretty....Wait what, no, why do I think like that?

"Nishimura Riki?"Sungchul asked.

They seemed to know each other as the boy replied with  "Hyung" happily. Can you go down from me?" I asked. I was really annoyed but I felt a slight pressure on my chest.

He said something to me but I focused only on my chest. He held his hand out for me, I ignored it and I got up on my own. Sungchul talked to this boy for a moment while I cleaned my ass because the floor was dusty as fuck. How disgusting. Out of the sudden I felt a stronger pressure on my chest leaving me gasping for air.

I was breathing in and out and I felt my heartbeat being quite irregular. I noticed Sungchul looking at me. I dropped down on my knees,quickly searched for my tablets and my water bottle. I held the tablets in my hand but I couldn't find my water bottle. The boy who fell on me gave me his waterbottle and sat next to me. He was in my personal space but I didn't cared for this moment, adrenaline still rushed trough my blood.

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