🔮Day 6 (3/4)🔮

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I woke up with a heavy headache.I looked around and found Niki dancing with his headphones on his ears. I loved seeing Niki dancing at school and enjoyed it too but thanks to my headaches I could barely stand it.

"Good morning," Niki said with a broad smile and sweat on his forehead.

I looked at him but could only look him in the eye for a moment as the sun dazzle  into my face.

"Change your clothes,we go out!"niki said and wiped away the sweat. I still couldn't answer normally so I just laid back down.

"Hyung!We have a date today!Get up!" he whined.
I loved the thought of having a date with my Boyfriend but my head was holding my happy screams back.

He looked at me with his puppy eyes so I decided to get up and change my clothes. I tried not to make my pain obvious.

Niki smiled at me again after I left the living room.
I went to the bathroom and looked at my face. I didn't looked as bad as I thought but my head pouted still.

I went into the shower and let hot water flow down my body when I sat down, closing my eyes, thinking about what happened in my life.

"You aren't worth it.You don't deserve it.You are nothing"

I quickly opened my eyes.
I looked anxiously around.

"No one loves you"

"Stop" I whispered standing slowly up.

"Go cut yourself"

"No I won't do it again"I half screamed, half breathed out.

"One cut,two cuts.Make yourself usable."

I looked into the mirror.
I looked through every drawer to find some lace things.After a few minutes I found a Razor blade.The voices kept telling me to hurt myself.

I looked at my arm and the blade back and forth.
"Sunoo Hyung~ Let's go~
Palli!Palllliii!"niki suddenly screamed.

I looked at the mirror.
I looked like a completely mess. I was breathing heavily,my head was spinning but I....

I felt more relaxed when I heared Nikis voice..
I put on a blue Shirt under a brown pullover.I wore grey ripped jeans and brown  socks with bears on it.I got it as a gift from Sungchul the other day.

I quickly dried my hair and put some make up on to make my face look not so pale anymore.

I opened the door and rushed to Niki who was leaning against the door of the kitchen.I quickly hugged him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me but I didn't said anything.

He added:"Sunoo you didn't said a single word today.Is everything fine? It's okay if you don't want to go on a date today,It's really oka-"

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