🔮Day 4 (2/4)🔮

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Nothing really happened.I stayed for the night in the hospital.Sungchul and Jungwon tried to entertain me.I meet Kyungmin the first time and damn... He's really handsome and his personality is awesome.

Unfortunately some girls brought me chocolate but I refused to take it.Jaebeom told me, these 3 girls go into his class and they love me.
"love?"I asked Jaebeom.
He just looked at me confused."How can they love me when they never ever once talked to me."I said.
"Mhm,I agree that It can't be love but you know how people sometimes are.The whole school has a crush on you and love you."He explained, playing patiently with his fingers."How would you describe Love Sunoo-shi?"he asked me.I stayed in silence.

I looked at Niki."Love is when you think you have found your soulmate who can grow old with you."I said continued to look at Niki."Love can't always work but if you try your best,I'm sure the person can love you back and make you the most happiest person in the world."I said looking back to Jaebeom.

"Sunoo how comes that you are not talking alot about yourself?You don't even make new friends in school,is there a specific reason?" Jaebeom asked playing with the back of his phone. "I wasn't like that always.I was just the childishly guy who loved to make people smile.Time just changed me I guess."I said. I didn't wanted to concern him with my problems or my past."I'm just not interested in making more friends,hanging out with you makes me feel happy enough."I said smiling slightly.

I looked again at Niki.Do I really know him?
" Hyung"I whispered.
" Hmm?" he only hummed.
"Do you ever had the feeling that you meet a person who's actually a stranger to you?" I said keep staring at Niki.

"You mean Niki right?" he asked. I hesitated at the beginning but nodded.
"I don't know if you really know him but I'm sure you will find it out soon.Now concern about our test next week."he said smiling depressed.


"Actually It's more like a contest.You can choose between singing and raping but you need to dance too."he said fake whining."Hyung are you good at dancing?" I asked him curiously."tHe bEsT" he answered with a sarcastic tone.

"What should I dooo~"I fake whined too.
He touched ma face with his hands,turned my face to the left side, whispered"here's your answer" and pointed at Niki. I blushed slightly.

(Mental note to myself-actually I'm writing it down here- Don't forget the soup/DUDE DONT FORGET THE F*CKING SOUP.) I SWEAR I WILL BURN THE WHOLE HOUSE DOWN IF I FORGET MA SOUP.

Update cuz people asked:The house is safe but not the pot...again

"You are going to die"I screamed as quietly as I could and flicked his forehead. "THAT HURT"He screamed too quickly. We both laughed silent.After good 20 minutes he went back to Sungchul's place when he placed a Kiss on Niki's and my forehead walking out of the door.
I looked at the sleeping Niki on my left side.I admired his face."You make me go crazy" I thought drifting slowly into my dreamland.

(ILAND = Dreamland,got it? No?Sad bunny here T^T)

{9 hours later}

I woke up after I heared a loude noise.I opened my eyes and it landed directly at Niki who was on the ground,lifting up glass pieces and putting them in the red garbage.

"What happened?" I asked still in a sleepy deep voice.My voice was never deep,I could actually imitate an dolphin because my voice is so high but if I wake up, even I'm scared of myself.
Niki screamed after he heard me talking.He looked at me slowly and whispered"Tf did happened to you Hyung.Gosh I was shit in my pans probably."

"Sorry Niki-shi"I said standing up. I wanted to to help him but when I was standing up,my legs weren't strong enough to stand still. I felt back but got catched by Niki."Is everything alright?" he said. I nooded. I was still in his arms till he carried me in bright style into the bathroom."How come you are so strong?"I muttered and brushed my teeth.

"How are so so lightweight."He said drinking the water out of his water bottle.I just scoffed.He left the bathroom and went back to pick up the rest of the broken glass."Niki,why did you let it fall in the first place?" I asked after I brushed my teeth and did my hair.

"I saw a spider in the room..." he said embarrassed.
"Don't worry,I would have passed out-"We burst in a laughter.The whole day we spent inside the clinic.I tried to walk a little bit and it helped me gaining more strength.

I wore the bracelet with the Moon and Niki with the sun. We had really a fun time today.Since a long time,I felt real happiness and that's what I most appreciated with the time I was spending with Niki.It's now night,Niki went home because tomorrow is school.Hanbin is sleeping here to keep an eye on me.

"I hope tomorrow is going to be a good school day.."I whispered and fell asleep.

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Maknae line got me like this : 👁️👁️

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Maknae line got me like this : 👁️👁️


Sungchul don't forget to never give up. I'm still crying like everyday because I wanted to see you on stage with the others,smiling like the biggest idiot and dancing together with everyone else. I love you,I wait till I see you on stage.

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