🔮Day 12 (3/4)🔮

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You guy's did a great job at solving my little code but ....
Do you trust me so much?
Who knows,I could play with your mind~

Do you trust me so much?Who knows,I could play with your mind~

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After Jungwon left the room and slept next to Sungchul,me and Niki didn't talked to each other.

This whole story was a completely mess but I wanted it to end with a good ending.The people who were involved in my life and this story deserves a happy ending and I would do EVERYTHING to make it end well.


I was about to go shower when Niki said "goodnight".I was nodding and left the room.

"Sunoo are you guy's alright?"Taeyong asked me who stood at the door frame.
I looked at him,fighting with myself if I now shake my head or nod but I decided to shake my head.

He hugged me after I shook my head and tried to make me feel better,what helped me at the beginning but my head was somewhere else,it was by Jaebeom and Jungwon.

"We know what happened,me and Sungchul will go to the police now and tell them that Jaebeom isn't calling us back.Don't worry okay?"

"Taeyong"I said his name and he hummed."What if Jisung is still alive?"

He suddenly scoffed at my question.His body told me it can't be right but his face told me that he doesn't know the answer or the truth.

"Sunoo,look out for Jeongin okay?"he suddely announced while I looked at his dull eyes."I feel like theres something wrong with him but I'm not sure."He went downstairs.

"Jeongin?"I asked myself looking at the letter.It can't be Jeongin.I know it that it can't be him.

"Traitor"I said out loud in the shower.I was thinking who the traitor was.It doesn't makes sense.Jisung and Minho are dead but where is Jaebeom.

"Sunoo-shi"Kyungmin called out entering the bathroom.

"Yes?"I asked.It didn't bothered me that he was in the bathroom.He couldn't see me so it was okay."I need to tell you something."


I was lying in the bed.Roses where all over the floor,I thought it would be a great day but..

"YOU WHAT?!" someone screamed from outside.

I run outside seeing Sunoo running out of the bathroom with a towel.He was looking lost,sad,mad and confused.

Jungwon came upstairs and entered the hallway with a sleepy "whats going on".

"Wtf is going on here?!"I yelled,taking Sunoos hand and hide his body behind mine.

Sunoo and Kyungmin stayed silence.They both looked on the wall.Whats going on here?What did I miss?

"I'm sorry."Kyungmin whispered and run downstairs.Jungwon wanted to run behind him but I was quicker.

Before I could run down I heared Sunoo giving me a warning "Don't get too close to him."

Kyungmin was alre outside when I reached him.He was shaking but his eyes were red and looking full of anger.

"I killed him."he yelled out loud suddenly.


"I KILLED MINHO"he screamed like he's obsessed.I took a few steps back.I serached for guiltless in his eyes but they only sparkled at this time.

"I wanted to kill Jisung.He did bad things,not only to you.He made my friends suffer and my little brother who killed himself because of Jisung.Minho was there suddely when I shoot Jisung in the chest.I shoot Minho and thats when I heared neighbours talking out loud and I left.I put the gun in Minhos hands.I thought Jisung really died but no.He didn't.I saw him.I fucking saw him!"

The others came out of the house.
"Yes I'm the traitor it's me."he yelled.

Where are Jeongin,Taeyong and Sungchul?They didn't run out.

"I think it's Jeongin"Taeyong screamed while crying."He owns a black big car.We were driving with it once!The car that followed Jaebeom."

I didn't said anything.I didn't suspected someone.I looked into Sunoos eyes.He opened his mouth and let a "I think it's..." out.


At first I thought I heared wrong.I realised he really said that when Kyungmin took a few steps back.

"What do you mean?!"I said so confused that I didn't realised I was screaming at my own boyfriend.

He suddely wrote numbers on his hand.

He starred at me,thats when I noticed what he meant.Thats how we communicated when he stopped talking.

"I'm not!Its probably you right?!"I yelled back at him.We were screaming and fighting when a car appeared.Jeongin sat in the car.

"What is going on?"he asked.
"I'm out of here!Dont ever talk to me again Niki.We.Are.Done.!"

Jeongin opened the car when Sunoo was going past me,hitting my shoulder and took my phone."Kyungmin my phone is upstairs.Give it to me when school starts."he said loud and went into the car.

Jeongin waved at us looking confused and left together with Sunoo.

"What is going on here?"Taeyong said,not being able to understand what just happened.

"Let's go."


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Don't hurt me like that Jay 😭🥺❤️🐣

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Don't hurt me like that Jay 😭🥺❤️🐣

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