🔮Day 9 (1/4)🔮

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My little pony wants to send you a message.

Accept or reject?

I'm Minho
I go into your school and I'm a friend of Niki.

"A friend of Niki? He never mentioned this Minho dude."

What do you need?

Niki said I should ask how you are doing.He's with me in class even tho we're not in the same grade but we have the sane teacher.Right now the teacher took his damn phone.

I'm okay.I'm waiting for him
outside of the classroom.

Hey I will come out now to
"go to the toilet"Wanna grab
something to drink?

(Yeyyy Minho our Cutie! Who's exited to see him?)

I mean he's a friend of Niki so I guess it's fine.

Sure but can we not go far
away please?
Can I bring my friend with me?

I mean sure but I need to talk
to you about something.

Okay come out,I'm ready.

A few minutes later

Minho,at least I think it's Minho came out of the room.We both had a small conversation and we grabbed us a coffee in the shop near our school.

Minho sat next to me.He was weirdly silent then when we were in school.

"I'm sorry Sunoo.." he whispered and closed the coffee shop door.

I could feel a present behind me.Jisung. Han Jisung.

"Baby boy,what a naive and pathetic whore I have."he said in a seductive way.

"Not as pathetic as you two."Niki grabbed Jisungs Neck and threw him over the counter.Felix and Sungchul held Minho and showed him into the floor.

"Oh come on,you really thought my baby would believe you Lee Minho?"

"How?!"Jisung growled and tried to punch Jisung... Fortunately Niki was quicker then Jisung and punched him fisrt.

"Before you wrote him next time,even tho I don't think there will be a next time,delete the picture where your whore face is on and don't be so obvious.Sunoo is smart enough to try to write and call me several times to ask me who you are."Niki explained,looking at me and winked.

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