🔮Day 6 (1/4)🔮

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My Sunflower 🌻

My Sunflower🌻

I smiled and got red.
I hoped that Sunoo would message me.I can't forget about the kiss. I missed it kinda.

Hey my love

My Sunflower🌻
M-my love?

Sunoo this is a chat
Don't sTuTtEr

My Sunflower🌻
Shut it!I will
ignore you.

If you ignore me

I will kiss you

My Sunflower🌻
Please don't

Was my kiss bad?

My Sunflower🌻
No that's not it
it was good

I cringed and blushed at the same time."1:0 for you Niki!" I screamed to myself and realized my mom looking at me weirdly.

"Wha-"she wanted to ask but I said " Sunoo " and she only smiled and nodded at me.

My Sunflower🌻
I didn't mean that!

My Sunflower🌻
I did! No wait-

So I'm not a good

My Sunflower🌻
You make my head
hurt Niki-shi.

My Sunflower🌻
but my heart skip a
Beat too.


My Sunflower🌻

Can I see you now?

My Sunflower🌻
Actually,I wanted to
ask you the same
thing.On my
way already.

Seen 17:11

I put my phone away and hugged my Mom."Sunoo is coming over" I said still blushed.

My Mom nodded her head and giggled."Mom"I whispered."Yes baby?" she asked curiously.

"I won't ever leave you like dad left us okay?Sunoo won't ever expect that" I said burying my face into her shirt.

I looked up and saw her face. She smiled but had tears in her eyes.

"I know baby,I know"she said and kissed my head.
I smiled at her when I heared the door bell ringing.

"I get it" my mom said and left the kitchen.

I saw Sunoo coming through the living room door.He wore a white blue fluffy sweater.
He wore dark blue loose pants and purple shoes combination with blue and white Socks.He looked so cute that I could melt here right now like an ice cream.

He looked so cute that I could melt here right now like an ice cream

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I went to hug him and he hugged me back immediately.We went to the kitchen counter and I signaled my mom to leave us alone.

"Hey boys,I need to buy some groceries,I will come later. Have fun kids but not too much" my mom said winking at us and left the house.

My face got even more red than I thought it could be.
"I'm sorry for my mom" I said and hugged him again.

"K Hyung and Nicolas Hyung are even more worse than your mom" he whispered with a sweet voice in my ear.

We stayed like that for a few minutes.I never wanted to let him go again but I needed to ask him something really important.

"Sunoo~" I whined.
"Yes" he asked still hugging me. "Let's eat something,palli!" I whined again.

I did aegyo and he literally looked at me disgusted but chuckled sweetly afterwards.

2 hours later

Sunoo and I were lying on the Couch in the living room.We watched "True Beauty" because Sunoos favorite Actor was Eunwoo from Astro.We cuddled with each other 5 episodes long.

My Mom already came but she left staying by her friend house. "What a coincidence" I said to myself and smiled.

After the 6th Episode I heared Sunoo snoring.I looked at his face what was lying on my lap and saw him sleeping peacefully.

Sunoos Phone light up and I saw a mesaage from K Hyung so I decided to answer it from Sunoos phone.

K Hyung💥
Sunoo where are you?

Sorry K Hyung,it's me
Niki. Sunoo is here
hes already

K Hyung💥
Good to hear,thanks
Niki. Anyways I wanted
talk to you about

I gulped harshly.I'm scared,I didn't knew what he wanted to talk with me about.

I slowly put Sunoos head on the green pillow next to me. I stand up and went upstairs and I already got a call from K Hyung.

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