🔮Day 8 (3/4)🔮

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I woke up after I heared a loud noise from the TV. The Movie still played and I was now grabbing on the side looking for my Boyfriend. I looked around and saw Sunoo standing infront of the window.


"Y-yea?" he asked me stuttering again.

"Why are you stuttering again Baby?"

"I-it's cold,I was about to close the window."he said and it also made sense what he said.

"Palli~ I want to sleep again. I can't sleep without my puppy."I whined and fake cried continuously.

He closed the window,went to his jacket,put something in it and sat down on the couch.
I laid down on his lap and went back to sleep.

In the morning

I woke up hearing snoring below me.I opened my eyes,stretched myself and yawned.I looked up and saw Sunoo still sleeping.I caressed his check slowly and ruffled his hair.

"I need to go to school" I whispered,closing my eyes again.I heared a cute yawning and that's why I opened one of my eyes. He stretched himself, struggling to open his eyes.

"Me too" he whispered and laid back again.I just shook my head and responded "You can't. You need to rest.K Sunbaenim will take you home."

"Nooo!Don't go,don't leave me back please."he begged me.

"Sunoo after I school went to school I will directly go to you."I tried to calm him down but he begged me again,"No,please I'm scared without you. Let me come with you to school. Niki please."

I sighed and took my phone.

"Good morning Sir.Is Sunoo allowed to go with me to school today?I promise I take care of him."I called K.

We talked a little bit and at first he disagreed but I promised him to not let him out of my eye sight and he agreed.

"What do you wanna wear?" I asked him and went to my closet.

"You can choose Boo."he answered watching a Video on his phone.

"Boo?" I giggled. "You call me cute nicknames so I thought,you need one too..."

"Baby boy,you think too much.I love this nickname."I winked at him and he blushed.

"Here's the outfit.Im sorry I don't have a second uniform here but there won't be a problem if you wear normal clothes."I showed him the outfit and he put it on.

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