🔮Day 7 (1/4)🔮

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3rd person view/pov(never done that help)

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3rd person view/pov
(never done that help)

Sunoo was still sitting on the ground.He looked like a turtle who tries to sneak out of his tank.Niki played with his hair,unfortunately Niki still didn't payed attention to Sunoos hot forehead.

Heeseung,the tall boy,patted his back so Sunoo can calm down.

"Hyung?"Sunoo half screamed. His Body was still stiff. He hadn't had the strength to sit up properly without any support but he still was able to half scream at the boy who was standing in the middle if the room.

"Oh Sunoo-shi,what are you doing here and why are you sitting on the floor?"Yeonjun said.

Yeonjun looked at the glass in Sunoos hand and his irregular breathing. He understood what happened so he didn't wanted to bother more.

"Yeonjun Hyung,K Hyung and Hanbin Hyung thought you are out of town together with the others."Sunoo spoke calmly and definitely more different then when he talked to Heeseung.

He felt more familiar with Yeonjun so he could talk without stuttering alot.

Yeonjun saw Sunoo twice, even tho back then he visited K's and Hanbin's house alot,Sunoo just locked himself in his room and didn't wanted to be seen by anyone.

He laughed slightly and answered:"Yes,we still have a concert but I just flew back to tell the trainees from Be:Lift-Lab that they need one more member."

Yeonjun looked at Nikis hand.He didn't knew that they all were close with Sunoo. He actually still remembers how Hanbin told him that Sunoo doesn't has friends.

"Actually I needed to go but can I have a second with Sunoo?" Yeonjun asked looking around.

Heeseung nodded immediately but Niki obviously didn't liked this idea. His face crunched thinking about Yeonjun and Sunoo being alone.

We all knew how attractive Yeonjun is and Sunoo already knew him so it made him harder to believe that he's good enough.

"Let's go puma."Heeseung said, grabbing Nikis Tshirt and the two of them disappeared into the living room where the other two were.


"So Sunoo."Yeonjun Hyung began."Panik attack?"

"Actually a boy fell at me and hit my chest.It's nothing serious."I explained to him forcing a smile.

"Hueningkai asked for you alot!How about you message him?"Yeonjun told me and gave me a comforting smile that made my heart beat quicker.

"Hyung,can you at least go visit Hanbin Hyung and K Hyung?Nicolas is probably not home."I asked knowing that he will say yes.So he eventually did at the end.

"By the way,what is Niki for you?"he asked me,not making a big scene out of it what helped me alot to overcome the fact that I dated a BOY.

"B-boyfriend.... You won't judge me right?The other won't judge me too right?"I asked anxiously.

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