🔮Day 3 (4/4)🔮

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Today was Monday.Since Saturday I didn't came out of my room.Why should I?I am grounded and the last person I want to see now is K Hyung. hyUnG....ugh...Hanbin tried to talk to me,he knocked on my door every 2 hours just to check on me.

He brought me food even if I didn't answered or opened the door.Yesterday K knocked on my door and said I shouldn't starve myself.I ignored him and just wrote some song.I looked at the clock and saw its time to get ready for school.

I didn't wanted to go.I ignored the calls from the others because I didn't wanted to talk anymore thanks so K,I was so pissed all the time.I looked at my phone when I became a message.

16 missed text messages
36 missed calls


Jaebeom Hyung
Sunoo we just went
to the mall. Call
me if you need

Jaebeom Hyung
Sunoo are you

Jaebeom Hyung
I called Hanbin and he
said you locked your-
self in your room.
Go out and talk to
them and reply
to my messages!

Jaebeom Hyung
Sunoo eat something,I
bring you some food.

Jaebeom Hyung
Open the door Sunoo

Jaebeom Hyung
It's not funny Sunoo.
At least answer me.
We all are worried.

Jaebeom Hyung
I'm going okay but eat
the food. It's infront
of your door.

Jaebeom Hyung
Sleep well.Me and Jungwon
are in the guest room if
you need us.


Jaebeom Hyung
Sunoo,we are worried.
Hanbin didn't left
for work. Don't ignore
the messages.

Jaebeom Hyung
Niki,Sungchul,Kyungmin and Jungwon are worried including me.Please.

Jaebeom Hyung
Nicolas is sitting since 4am
infront of your door.
Answer us.

Jaebeom Hyung
Sunoo!Now!Open the
F*cking door. I'm
getting mad.

Jaebeom Hyung
Nicolas isn't moving from
the door. Just come out.
Eat something.

Jaebeom Hyung
Jungwon and I are sleeping in Sungchul's house. We
don't want to bother

Jaebeom Hyung
See you in school.
Good night.

Jaebeom Hyung
Let's go to school.
I give you 20 minutes or
I will break the door.

I rolled my eyes and laid down again."Why is he so annoying.Can't he let me alone?" I asked myself. I got up and prepared myself.

I wore my uniform,again ripped jeans but in blue and wore black shoes. My hair was a mess but I didn't care. I brushed it twice and that's it.I didn't even put any makeup on. I already knew this day was going to be hell.

I took my books amd stuffed it into my schoolbag.I looked at my phone and I realized I forgot to charge my phone. I let out a loud sigh and opened my door.

Before I could step out I saw Nicolas who was hugging a blanket and he was leaning against the wall infront of my door's room.He didn't looked so good. Dark circles were under his eyes and his whole face was red.Tissues were all around the place.I carried him to his bed.I was breathing in and out loudly.I didn't had any strength left.

I didn't ate for more than a whole day.I also didn't took my medicine. I was feeling bad.I kissed Nicolas cheeks and closed his door.I was just passing the kitchen when I heard K calling my name.

I ignored him and closed the door harshly. I was still angry at him.I was sick and tired of all this Drama.

(same bro,same but Drama is the best way to make a story interesting.sorry for interrupting you)

I looked up and saw Jaebeom standing there."Sunoo thank God you finally came out of the damn room.I would have broken the door believe me."he said and hugged me.

I didn't hugged him back but I felt a little bit better.
"I told Jungwon and Sungchul to go ahead and buy breakfast."he said not letting of me."I'm sorry Hyung"I finally said when my voice creaked at the
" Hyung" part.

"I get that you wanted some time to calm down but you can't ignore everyone around you.You don't even know how worried we all where. Niki spend most of the time in the living room waiting for you to open the door.
Jungwon bought you snacks every 4 hours to make sure that you eat enough.Nicolas was infront of your room for a whole day without really moving. Hanbin didn't go to work because he couldn't sleep at night,K just did his routine but he cared for you alot and Sungchul and I tried to call you and text you so often.
I would have punched you when you would have stayed in this room for one more hour."he said in an angry tone.

"I already apologized" I said and rolled my eyes.I went to the direction of the school but Jaebeom didn't followed me.I looked at him confused."Sunoo we won't go to school."he said and looked at his feet."We will go to a Psychologists."he said looking up,straight into my eyes.

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Happy Birthday Sunghoon! I wish you a great birthday

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Happy Birthday Sunghoon!
I wish you a great birthday. Tomorrow I make a special chapter because of Niki's Birthday.❤️🐯

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