🔮Day 6 (4/4)🔮

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Sunoo and I have a great day...Actually we "had" a great day before this Penguin started to flirt with Sunoo.

Didn't I already told him that he is MY boyfriend?

After he moved Sunoo towards him and whispered something into his ear I only saw red.Out of all boys in the world,why does he need to whisper in my Boyfriends ear?

Before I could punch this guy,Sunoo came back blushing a little bit. I glared at him and Sunghoon.

"or me" he said very clearly aggressive and sexy. It made me gag.I walked over to him and he just stared at me.

"Do it again" I ordered.
I bit my bottom lip and squeezed the fox pushie I won for Sunoo.

"What did you even mean huh?Say it."I added.

He bent over and came closer to my face."Don't be so stupid Nishimura Riki.You can't even tell that your boyfriend is sick. Pathetic and what I whispered into his ear earlier."He stopped speaking and looked into my eyes."I'm definitely going to have my fun."

I was about to punch him but out of no where someone threw me over his shoulder and ran to the opposite direction.

It turned out that it was Jay Hyung.Jay Hyung likes to post alot of things on Instagram and he thinks he's a "born Idol".We meet each other in a Dance school in Japan.

"Yah let me go!" I whined and looked at Sunoo who was looking confused again.

"No you will punch him but he will punch the shit out of you first."he answered, chuckling a little bit.

"It doesn't matter!He's getting on my nerves and Hyung!Don't dare to hold Sunoos hand a second longer or you are going to be the next on my list!" I growled after I saw Jay holding Sunoos hand.

"You dare to say that to your Hyung?I will call Jake."he slightly smiled and let Sunoos hand go.

I wiggled myself out of Jay's grip and I went quickly to Sunoo.I held his hand and showed that proudly my Hyung.

"My Boyfriend"I said even more proudly.Sunoo gasped a second but didn't let go my hand. In his face was literally written "Embarrassed" but I had no problem showing everyone my cute little Boyfriend.

"Niki... can we go home? I'm cold."he said smiling. It wasn't his bright smile what made me melt everytime I saw it,it hurted me seeing this obvious fake smile appearing on my boyfriends face.

I put my jacket over his shoulders and intertwined our hands to make my hand a little bit more warmer than before.

"Wanna sleep in my place?Looks like he's tired."he said pointing and Sunoo who was yawning sweetly.

"He's the boss here,he decides"I heared Jay and Sunoo giggling after I said that.

"Oh Jay..... Jay..."Sunoo repeated.
"Jay Park,I'm in the 02 line and I'm a friend of our Puma here."

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