🔮Day 13 (1/4)🔮

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"Let's go Sunoo"he said and tried to open the car door.

"Is h-he dead?"I asked and looked at the car keys.I grabbed it and turned it around to start the car.

"Sunoo look at me."

"Did I kill him?I made him kill himself.Because of me Minho died.Because of me everyone else got hurt."I repeated it again and again in my head.

Niki knocked on the car door and I looked into his eyes."Open the door please Baby."he asked me but it sounded like an order.

I shook my head and began to shiver more."Baby boy please,it kills me that I can't hug you right now."

"Officer let him breath for god shakes!I can handle it!"he suddely turned around and screamed at 3 Police officers who took some steps back.

"I'm here and I won't leave."he muttered,sat down and leaned against the car."Should I go out or drive away?"


I was sitting on the ground waiting for Sunoo to open the door."You said trust me Sunoo,I did and now please trust me."I whispered.


"What the hell happened?!"Jungwon screamed at me and tried to get me calm down.

"Sungchul I don't know what you did or not but we will talk about it later.You call the police now and say it's an emergency.Jungwon you go get Jaebeom.On Sunoos phone is an adress and it seems like it had something to do with the code.When the police arrives I give them Niki's phone."

"What about you?"Jungwon asked me.

"....he said trust me and I will make him trust me too."I answered and left the house and run down the street.

I tried to find the bus so I get to Hanbin and K but I found someone else."Can we talk?"

"H-how?!"I yelled at the boy.I wanted to punch him to death.I really wanted to kill him right now but I knew I didn't had enough time.

"Let me help you.I lost everything already,at least I can help two people grow up together.I lost Minho,the one and only who loved me in this world.It's his wish,his very last wish."

"Why should I trust you Han Jisung."I growled really wanting to push him and fight with him.

"You have no reason to trust me.Just take this."he answered and gave me a music box."Play this infront of Sunoo.I stole it from Jeongins place and back then he often told me it was his mothers box."

I took it and it was heavy."Why are you doing this?Why are you even alive.Is Jeongin really the traitor!?"

"I have my contacts remember and ....yea but hes not the only one.Sunoo seems like he doesn't remember what happened but Jeongin told me stuff about him and I dont know anything."

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