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Chanyeol stood there,waiting.
Baek had no choice but to bite the bullet.He gave his roommate  a small smile to hide his nervousness."Thank you for bringing us here.And I'm sorry.I know I was--,"Baek admited.

Without waiting for Baek to finish,Chanyeol just nodded  and walked towards the house.Baek franctically grabbed the other's arm.


Chanyeol waited and stared at Baek coldly.the look that had been
piercing  through Baek's heart the entire day.

"Why are you so angry?!"Baek asked.Is it because I bring Kai with us?If it wasn't okay,you should've said so.I would understand.

"You think I'm mad that you took Kai with us?Chanyeol let out a sardonic laugh.

When Baek did not answer,
Chanyeol pressed his lips into a thin line as if keeping his temper in control,but the rigid muscles on his face told Baek that Chanyeol was not succesfull in his attempt."Tell me,"he whispered,
"Until when are you going to be a martyr?"

Baek blinked,"I'm not.I just want to help Kai as a friend!"

But Chanyeol only snorted."Really now."You think you'd convince me with that?"You have to try harder Baek.

"What do you mean?what do you want me to do?"

"You've been pining for him for the longest time.Now he needs you the most.Yet,You're telling me that you're only helping as a friend.

Baek remained staring at the other guy,not knowing what to say.

Chanyeol inhaled and exhaleda couple of times before he spoke again.But when he did,he spoke with so much pain,Baek thought he might cry."But I beg you treasure your self more.Prioritize yourself before Kai."

Baek opened his mouth to speak,
but Chanyeol did not seemed to be waiting for an answer as he continued,"Ah right.Why would you listen to me?I'm just a roommate."

(wait my eyes are sweating 😭😭😭😭😭😭)

A nobody compared to Kai.

Then Chanyeol disappeared to the house,leaving Baek alone in the dark.

The coldness spread through his body,but Baek could not tell if it was coming from the cold night breeze or from the hallow empty space in his chest.

He managed to drag his feet inside the house and into the room he shared with Kai.Since Kai took the bed.Baek went straight to the spot on the floor.He barely even noticed if his friend was asleep or not.The world might as well stop at this point,and he would not be aware.
Nore care for that matter.

Despite the stillness he felt inside him,his mind was still reeling from his conversation with Chanyeol.His roommate's words seemed to be on the loop inside his head.

"Tell me,"Chanyeol whispered,
"Untill when ate you going to be a martyr?"

'You thought that I'm going to take advantage of the situation?That I would steal him away?Is that what you think of me?'

"But I beg you treasure your self more.Prioritize yourself before Kai."

Baek chuckled despite himself as a tear trickeld down his cheek.

'You're angry fo me?You're still worried while angry.'

"Ah right.Why would you listen to me?I'm just a roommate."

'Of course not.You're not just a nobody.You're more than that.Way more than a roommate.'

More tears fell after one another.
He hated how he could not answer back there.He hated that his answer came a little too late.That he was too late.

The pain in Chanyeol's voice sounded raw that Baek felt like someone slicing through his heart.All he ever wanted  was to knock down Chanyeol's door and explain himself,hoping to make things right again.

"Baek?"Kai asked.

Baek turned to face the bed,but Kai faced the other side."I thought you're asleep."

"I'm thinking of goung back tomorrow."

Baek remained silent.

"I want to go talk to Kyungsoo.and maybe--maybe try things out with him again."There was aoment of silence before Baek murmured his goidnight.

Yes,tomorrow.tomorrow he would talk to Chanyeol too.


But tomorrow come sooner that he would have liked.

Baek fell asleep after so much tossing and turning,but it only felt he had slept  for an hour when a raucous outside woke him up.He fumbled aroynd for his phone.6 am.

Who the hell visits someone at six in the morning?!

He sat up,bleary-eyed.He was too sleepy and toi annoyed.But also,too exhausted to move.He glanced at the bed and saw Kai sitting up with his ridiculous bed head.Kai returned Baek's scowl with the same expression.

As if taunting them,another round of laughter sounded,granti ng Baek's nerves.It seemed like there were a few visitors so early in the morning.

"Ugh,country folks and their
early morning ,"Kai grumbled.

Bark groaned at the realization.
Right.Everything people around here was early.No wonder Chanyeol was such an early riser.

"We should check out what it's all about."Kai said.

Every muscles in Baek's body revolted at the idea of moving.The only welcome kind of move was going back to the bed.Apparently,that was not an option.


He got up and followed the sound coming from the garden.There were several people outside.One of them stopped mid-laughter and turned to them.

(Back to Chanyeol)

Chanyeol was in a bad mood.

He went straight to bed after he left Baek outside.He had been staring at the ceiling,organizing his very disorganized thoughts.He was irritated with Kai,with Baek and with himself.

It was bad enough that he acted griddily and yes,jealous ever since Kai came.It only worsened when he had to watch Baek and Kai interact.It killed him to see Baek so concerned over his friend.

But the final  blow was when they were at the hills.The way Baek and Kai talked and joked with each other was like a needle to Chanyeol's heart.They had conversed with so much ease and
closeness-something Chanyeol had envied from long before.

Watching Baek and Kai together was something Chanyeol done a lot of times in the past,mostly at the bar.Everytime he saw them,
Baek radiated with love as if the entire world revolved around his friend.Baek could not see past Kai.Only him at the center of his universe.

Only him at the center of his universe

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Thank you for reading this chapter.Ignore my typos pls.And I should let you know  that *Roommate*is nearing its end.🙃

I really appreciate all your comments — and thank your for reading..

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