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"What time is your class?"Kimy asked Chanyeol.

The other guy tilted his head to the side as he thought."In the afternoon."

"Plenty of time then,You could go home in the morning.If you stay the night at our house,I can show you Baek's baby pictures."

Chanyeol looks like he was handed a gift.


Baek could only sighed as he look at the two of them.Chanyeol and Kimy talked at each other on the way to their house with Baek as their listener when Baek felt a light touch on his hand.He gulped,
subtly glancing at the space between him and Chanyeol.
Everytime their hands brushed,
Liam's hand would linger a bit,caressing Baek's pinky finger.That light feeling on his skin made his heart race.

Kimy tried to invite Baek into their conversation but his mind kept on going back to their barely touching hands.Baek would consciously bring his hand closer to Chanyeol's ,doing the same thing and praying that they would not arrive at their house yet.

But they arrive too soon.Baek's shoulders slumped at the sight of his parents house then he felt guilty for feeling like that.His mood lifted when he glanced to his side and saw the same disapointmemt written all over Chanyeol's face.He bumped Chanyeol by the shoulder surpressing his grin,"let's go?"

******(I just want to clarify that Kimy has been living with Baek since childhood because her parents passed away when she was young)**********

His parents were surprissed to see Baek but they were even more surprissed to see Chanyeol.
Her Mother,in particular,doted
on his roommate.before Baek knew it,they were already bonding over recipes of coffee jellies.

Aftr dinner the three of them scramble to Baek's room with Kimy holding their old photo album.

Baek eyed nervously."You're really doing it huh?"

Kimy paid him no mind,setting crosslegged on the floor and guwaffed at the first picture she saw."look,Chanyeol!This is Baek when he used to play naked in the rain."She said as she pointed
a picture to Chanyeol beside her.

"He!"Baek tried to snatch the album but his hands were swatted by the two as if they were
shoo-ing an insect.

Scowling,he left the two whi were enjoying Baek's dark past as he crossed the room to open the door to the balcony.The night breeze felt good on his face.He was relishing the feeling of it when he saw people moving inside the house across theirs.

"I thought Kai's parents went on a vacation?He asked over his shoulder.

Kimy did not lift her head when she answered."They came back yesterday....I think."

"Thats Kai's house?"Chanyeol asked.

"Yep. Oh! this is Baek's first birthday!He was so cute,right?I wonder what happen to him."
Kimy snickered that made Baek sharply at her remark.

"Shut up and go to sleep,"he intended for a sharp tone but he found himself smiling at her cousin.

"Are you okay with my clothes?"
Baek asked,taking in the sight of Chanyeol in Baek's old school PE uniform,though it was a bit short for him.He looked akward and cute.

Chanyeol hummed in response as they laid down side by side on the floor.Chanyeol in Baek's room,
wearing his clothes.It was a sight Baek never thought he would see.
Even if had to strain his eyes a bit due to the darkness of the room,it was worth the effort,oh,the small joys of life.

"Are you okay sleeping on the floor?Baek asked.

"I am.'You should sleep in your bed."

Baek's bed was too small for the two of them that was why he decided to just sleep on the floor with Chanyeol.

"Nah,It dosn't feel right that I'm.more comportable than the guest.Besides,this is how ai imagined summer camps would be."Baek said grinning.

"Imagined?You've never gone to one?"Chanyeol turned his head to Baek's direction.

No Kai and I spent our summer loitering around the house.When we met Kyungsoo,we would hangout to their shop instead.I wasn't bery active in school."Baek twisted his body untill he was facing Chanyeol."How about you?Did ypu experience summer camp?"

Chanyeol flashed Baek a smile."When I was in a middle school.Back then,The basket ball club would go to a summer camp every year.

"You were in basket ball club?Untill when?High school?

The other guy pursed his lips,his eyes looking straight at the ceiling,using his arms as a pillow."No I change to the art club."

Baek spluttered.'Art club?!
That's a...big leap from a sports club."

"I started getting interested in painting.And --I got invited by someone."

Baek bit his lips,quietly delibarating if he should ask who was that person.He did not know if he would want to know who invited Chanyeol because his hunch told him he would not like the answer.

Chanyeol continued,unaware of Baek's turmoil.

"My girlfriend back then invited me."

"...Oh,"Baek whispered.His voice seemed quieter even if they were already talking in soft murmurs.
"What happened?"

Chanyeol give him a quick glance."To the club?Or to us?He asked to which Baek answered by raising one shoulder.

"Both."Baek said.

"I enjoy painting.I enjoyed it more because I was doing it with her and that was our favorite spot to paint."

Baek remembered that once clearly.It was one of his favorites,
the one he wanted to see the most
when they visit Chanyeol's grandmother.But now,he thought he should change favorites.

Then I joined a contest and I used that one.I was so excited because that was the first non-sport competition I joined.And I won.
only second placer though."

"But Baek She said that I wasn't good enough."

"That's not true!"Baek brought his hand to his mouth.Then with a softer voice,he repeated his words.He added in a hopeful tone, "Did you dump her because of that?"

Chanyeol chuckled."No.she dumped me first.More like she chose another guy over me.
Caught them together."

Baek felt like all of his blood surged to his head."She cheated on you?!"

"She cheated on you?!"

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