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An asnwer, Chanyeol hand hovered on the waistband before pulling it off.Baek gasped when he felt another sensation of hard flesh,and he realized that Chanyeol had freed both of their c*bks and had them pressed together,hands gripping them hard before working their way,
Baek brought his hand up,
wrapping it around both lenghts,
over Chanyeol's finger.

He groaned in Chanyeol's mouth and leaned against his boyfriend.
They moved their hands with urgency,both in their pricks and mouths.Their pent-up needed threatening to spill any second.

Chanyeol kept on kissing him,hard and eager,his tongue sweeping his mouth,Making him shudder.His hands working like magic,pulling hair,sending pleasure in every part of Baek.

Baek thrust back,kneading any nearby flesh,and felt his boyfriend groan.They work their hands harder and faster untill the shot at the same time.Baek shruddered,leaning at Chanyeol for support.

They stayed unmoving,waiting for their breaths to return to normal.Baek's eyes fluttered open and found Chanyeol doing the same.His boyfriend smiled,
planting a soft kiss on his lips as Baek sunk deep sleep.

(Back to city)

Baek spent a lazy day in his bed,rolling around and doing nothing it had been quiet a while since he was this free.Summer classes were brutal,what's with the amount of paper he had to write.Couple that to the increased shifts he took at the cafe.Though he got back his scholarship,it never hurts to have an extra money for a rainy day.

Hey thought he would spending the rest of the day with his boyfriend.One month had passed since they started dating officialy,and it had been smooth sailing.To smooth. Actually,they wanted to take things slow and steady.settling in this new stage,so to speak.Before the could do anything though,university and other responsibilities whisked them apart and trew them in a whirlwind of things.

This rare free day was something he was looking forward to,so much that he even daydreamed of the things they would do,in and out of the bed.

but as always,life had to get in the way.Chanyeol told Baek that he needed to go to the university and left early.After wards,
he was to fill in a shift at work.

"I'll make up to you.Promise"
Chanyeol said as he nuzzled against Baek's neck and embraced him tighter.

Baek conceded,knowing full well that Chanyeol would be too tired after a day of work.It would be a miracle if he managed to finish a movie without falling asleep first.

On a brighther note,they had a one week break before the new semester...so a cheshire cat-like grin spread across Baek's face as he streached out his body and enjoyed the queen sized bed on his own.

Baek let out a jaw-breaking yawn and sat back in the headboard,mentaly noting all the things that he needed to do.

'Food,laundry,then,hmm...clean I guess.'

Once he finished his lunch and the clothes were set in the washer,Baek proceeded to clean their apartment.They usually tried to keep their apartment tidy despite their schedule.When he was done in the living room and the kitchen and the rooms.

Moving on he reached the storage room.Or maybe he should get used calling it Chanyeol's studio.After all,it only stored Chanyeol's art supplies and paintings and photos and music instruments.Chanyeol had been spending his free time in this room in the past weeks.He told Baek that he was practicing his painting skills,which Baek thought was his way of asking for a time.He was cool with it and did not ask.

Baek expected it to be untidy,but not this chaotic mess of a room he stumbled into.Papers scattered everywhere.Paints lined up the floor.Different canvases leaning in every wall.There seemed to be a parade of brushes on the table.

His feet itched to take a step back and make a sharp turn when a certain spot caught his attention.

Baek stopped in his tracks,his eyes stuck to that one particular corner in the room.He moved his eyes away,yet,somehow,it was as if something draws in him.Chanyeol told him that was where he placed his not-so-good paintings,and Baek believed him.

Subsconsciously,he took one step inside the room.The place seemed to have grown larger than the last time he was there.The clothe covering the canvases was bulgy and could not quiet cover them all.Apparently, Chanyeol did not change it when the numbers of painting grew.

Those covered canvases piqued his interes,sure,it always bugged him what was painted there that Chanyeol could not seem to part with.But if Chanyeol was not ready to share it with him,then fine.

'I might as well clean,or atleast,put things in order since I'm already here,'Baek thought,
tapping his index finger on his lips.

He strode to the other side and put the camera and the sketchpads back to their proper places.Baek found an open album on top of it.He did not mean to take a peck,but when he saw the hill and other shots that were taken from their vacation,he thought that there was no harm looking through it.

Baek smiled to himself as he flipped through the pages.Chanyeol took some astonishing view of the country.His favorite was still the sunset from the hill,even if Chanyeol took that while he was with Dara.Baek's mood soured a bit at the thought of her.

The pull of looking at the pictures was stronger than cleaning,so he took the album to take a seat near the window.Once he gathered the album in his arm,a single photo dropped from it.He stop down to pick it up and he stopped midway.

It was a picture of him.

"Huh?"he turned over as thought he could find an explanation on the other side.

In the photo,he was looking at something to his side.Judging from the plaid shirt that he wore.This must be during his phase back in the first year.He recognized this place as the lecture hall.There were other students in the background,but the focus was on him.The photo was a wallet-sized one,it was worn around the edges as if it had been held quite a few time.

 Roommate  #CHANBAEK                                     *COMPLETED* (ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ)Where stories live. Discover now