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It take a few heartbeats before Baek regained his voice and compusure."I'm-- I'm sorry for barging in.It's open and -- I just want--I mean--"He flailed his arms,his eyes darted around.

Chanyeol put down his brush.It's fine.I never said you are not allowed in this room.


"It's just....quite embarrasing for you to see my paintings.They're not that good."

Anger flared inside Baek."Who said that!?"The sad smile Chanyeol gave Baek made him
want to punch whoever said those words to his roommate.He spoke through gritted teeth,"How dare they,And no,don't you dare say that it's true because I'll take it as an insult as someone who can't draw a stick man.

Chanyeol stifled a laugh.There's no way..."Ha!You should say that to Lea--thats my younger sister,by the way."Baek huffed a breath.he hoped that whoever said those lies to Chanyeol would never make the mistake of crossing his path or he would have a word with them.

Chanyeol gave him a smile that did not reach his eyes."You're up early.Do you have an early class?"

Baek replied with a strained smile and a shake of his head.That took on Chanyeol again.The kind that made Baek feel like something squeezing at his chest.His arms itched to wrap them around his roommate.

He knew that look.He knew it to well.

Now he was curious as to what was it that Chanyeol's lady love did to him to be this sad so early in the morning.Was this still about his ex?So even people like him Chanyeol,someone who looked like they could have anyone they wanted,could experience one-sided love and it was not only reserved for losers like Baek.But how could that be?Unlike Baek who had no reediming factors,Maybe that was why Kai never look at him or anyone,for that matter,to seriously date him.

He could not bear to look at Chanyeol right now."I'm just going to take a look around if you don't mind,while you paint."

Chanyeol nodded,returning back to his work.Baek went back to the paintings.


Baek turned to him just in time to see Chanyeol almost tumbling on his feet after his sharp turn.

The other guy,red spreading through his face,caughed lightly and smoothed out his frantic expression."Just not those in the corner."

Baek turned to look at the place where Chanyeol pointing at and saw a cluster of paintings lined up in the corner,covered with a white cloth,He gestured at those,
"Are they unfinished?"

Theu're failures.I've been...
experimenting--sort of --on other style of painting.I always use beautiful places or places....
importamt to me.I wanted to try maybe fruits or portraits"
Chanyeol laughed a nervous laugh,his face kept on reddening still.

'I see.I thought when you're good at painting or drawing,you can do anything.Alright,I wont."He said that but he could noy help but wonder what was painted on those canvases.Were they really just fruits?

Baek took a sharp intake of breath  when he realized what Chanyeol was painting.
"Oh this place look familyar.."
Attached at the corner was a picture of a bench in which Baek realized to be one of the benches behind their building.

Chanyeol nodded as he painted.
"It's a wonderful place."

It was a wonderful place indeed.
So wonderful and peaceful that one would want to pour and cry out one's hopeless love.Been there,Done that.It was a secluded place too,quite far from the halls with tall trees blocking the view of anyone who might be looking out the one comes in there.

Except for Baekhyun.

And now he learned that Chanyeol hangout to around the
area too.To think Chanyeol,all of people,would have been there when Baek was bawling his eyes facepalmed internally.
another mark in his dark history.

Baek felt like eyes watching.He shifted his eyes from the painting
and met Chanyeol's gaze.Their faves where close.

"You,"He started,"You must like rain.You take pictures of rain-
drops."He did not know wher that came from but he wanted to
break the moment and restart his heartbeat.

Chanyeol's eyes -his pretty eyes--softened,sad and hurting."It reminds me of someone..."he whispered.


Chanyeol opened his mouth to answer the shut it and shook his head.I think I heard a movements in the living room.Maybe your friends are awake now.Chanyeol headed towards the door and Baek had no choice but to follow.

"Surprised  attack!" Kai snorted in thay gleeful voice of his.

Thats hardly a surprise"Kyungsoo snorted before placing a chaste kiss on Kai's mouth.

Kai momentarily still,found his energy and wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's neck,pulling the other closer and in a kiss.They moved apart a little but Kai did not let go."Good morning my grumpy cat."

Baek what to see how would kyungsoo react to that silly nickname when something blocked his eyes.

"Don't look Chanyeol whispered in his ears.A steady hand on Baek's wrist,not allowing him to move from his spot."Don't look."

With his vision cut off,Baek was hypeaware of his surruondings.
He felt Chanyeol's warmth on his back.Those hands that could do wonders were over his eyes while the other holding him on the wrist.And then,Chanyeol'svoice sounded raw and pleading in
Baek's ears as if something inside
Chanyeol was breaking apart.
Don't feel sadfor me.'I don't want that.'

Baek tried to turn around,He want to see what kind of expression Chanyeol was making.
He twisted his body but Chanyeol only gripped on his wrist tighter.

"I'm fine,"Baek whispered.

When Chanyeol slanckened the hold over his arm.Baek twisted around.The light hit his eyes so he squinted at Chanyeol.He repeated his words when their eyes met.
"I'm fine"don't look like this.'Don't be sad for me.'

Baek straightened up his shoulders and sauntered at the living room..hey,hey,love birds.It's so early.Spare us with your cheesiness and let's get some breakfast nstead,I'm starving."
Baek said with a dismissive wave
as he crossed the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge.
"Chanyeol,should I reheat last night's food?"

Chanyeol went over without a word and set out their food.Kai mostly talked and yawned as he ate.Kyungsoo silent as ever.
Chanyeol trying to be jovial and accommodating to everyone of Kai's quetion.After breakfast,Kai and Kyungsoo left the house.Kai was so sad about them leaving and whine about it untill they reach out side.

Kai was so sad about them leaving and whine about it untill they reach out side

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