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Y/n pov~

" Eyyy, what are you talking about? Of course it won't be there anymore.." I blurted out carefully so I won't hurt her feelings.. I hope..

" Oh.." I closed my eyes, not wanting to see her next reaction. I hate this kind of situation and why in hell it is always happen to me?? LIKE WHY IS UNIVERSE SO INTERESTED IN ME?!

Hearing no response from her making me getting more impatient. Damn it, just say something already..

After a few minutes of silence, I found myself opened my eyes and saw her smile brightly that caught my guard off.

" That's nice to hear! I mean, I don't want to feel awkward around you tho.." I sighed in relief and smile back. 

" Aish byul, you could just say it without stuttering like hell-I'M ABOUT TO BURST IF I KNOW YOU HAVE FEELINGS TO M-"

" Me? Having that kind of feelings to you?? Eww, no thanks bro.. I already got Yongsun."

I imitated the way she said making her smacked my arm. " Ouchh! What did you do that for?!" I whimpered in pain that make her snickered. 

" You still never change y/n.. Still the old weak y/n." She shook her head with small smile. I groaned as she mentioned the word 'weak'.

" Yahh, I'm not weak anymore.." I puffed my cheeks and pouted. She took out her phone and quickly snap a picture of me.

" WHAT THE HELL MOONBYUL?!!" I screamed and trying to reach her phone but she was too tall.. Gosh I hate my height, wish I was born taller than this.

" I will send it to seungwan.." She muttered which audible for me and excused herself. I widen my eyes and threw the pillow to her but she dodged it easily. She pulled out her phone and waved it in annoyed manner.

" See ya sis!" She shouted and left before she could feel another pillow. 

I groaned and slapped my cheeks softly. " What if she really send it seungwan?? Geez I'm doomed.." I slumped my back to relax.

Suddenly the door bursted open revealing Yeri and others. Okay, I'm so doomed..

" Yo, what's up bis-OUCHHH!" Irene pulled the younger ear making her yelped in pain. She keep smacking Irene hand until the older released it. She rubbed her ear and glared at her unnie.

" Hey y/n!" Seulgi came to me with a basket of banana. Hmm, I see..

She took one and peel it carefully. My eyes were so delighted as I thought she was peeling it for me but everything crashed when I saw her shoved the fruit into her mouth instead of mine.

Was I too hopeful?

" Yah kang seulgi! Look how betrayed Y/n feel.." My muscles tense up when I hear seungwan voice. Gosh, I hate you moonbyul.

I saw seungwan getting closer to me with another banana and handed it to me. I thanked her without looking at her. I'm well aware that my face is reddening by now.I don't care about anything else now except my face.. Damn, I can't lose my cool now..

" Y/n unnie..I want to tell you something.." I looked up to see Joy fiddling her fingers making me nervous too. DON'T TELL ME SHE'S GOING TO C-

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now