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Y/n pov~

It's been a week already since my last meeting with seulgi and chaeyoung. They have been busier these days so I don't want to disturb them, including jennie. I sat alone in front of the house while watching some chickens eating. Damn, it is so boring.

I already met my parent yesterday, it was fun but they have to fly back to Canada to settle some business there. Eventually, the news about me alive spread like a burning fire. It's like miracle happens and here I am, breathing..

" Ahh this is no fun.." I slumped my back at the chair. Nana looked at me then chuckled softly. I raised my eyebrows before questioned her. " What it is nana?" She shook her head and went inside. 

After a few minutes, my phone rang. I looked at the id to find seulgi name. I shrugged my shoulder and pick up the phone. This might be important though.

" Yes?"

" Y/n-AHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear because she shout too loud. Haishh this girl.

" What? And please don't shout anymore.."

" Ah mian, anyways.. I call you to inform that you can come to company now. Pd-nim want to meet you.." My eyes widen as she released those words.


" Maybe yes, maybe no.. Just come here already.. I will wait you outside the company. See ya!" With that she ended the call. I ran inside and pulled out the best outfit. I took a cab since I don't have any car yet.. 

" This is going to be exciting.."


3rd person pov~

Seulgi took an excuse from irene to meet y/n. She promised to comeback later since they still need to practice for their new album. Seulgi walked through the hallway, getting outside the company with a mask. There is a lot of reporters outside so she doesn't want to get caught.

Few minutes later she saw a familiar girl getting out from the cab. She walked towards the girl while smiling behind her mask. " Y/n, finally you are here." She pulled the girl and went inside he building quickly.

" Yah kang seulgi, slow down please.. I'm not going anywhere aish.." Y/n grumbled as she snatched her hand back from the bear. " Sorry, it just those reporters are scary sometimes.." Seulgi replied while scratching her nape. 

Seeing her bestfriend getting anxious making y/n felt bad for shouting at her. She smile genuinely at the bear before rubbing a circle at the girl back. After confirming that seulgi is calm, they proceed to Lee sooman office.

As they reached there, y/n nervously knocked the door. She looked beside her to find no seulgi at all. That girl already left her alone. She cursed in her head before hearing a faint ' come in '.. She opened the door to meet with intimidated gaze from the ceo.

" Are you park y/n?" He asked calmly and gestured the nervous girl sit. " Y-yes I'm.." Mr.Lee nodded and handed her a piece of paper.

" I heard about you from one of my idols. Since she said that we can trust you, so I'm giving a faith on you.. You can start from now.." Y/n eyes perked in happiness. She stand up and bowed continuously towards the ceo.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now