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Y/n pov~

I opened my eyes slowly with the of pain back in my head. I blinked twice to regain my conscious as I looked around. My eyes stopped at a certain figure of girl. She was deep in sleep so I didn't want to interrupt her beauty sleep even though I don't know her. 

Suddenly the door bursted open, startling me and the girl. I looked up to see Lia with worried face.

" Oh unnie!! Finally you're awake. It's been two days since you got here.." She went beside me with her smile that never left her face.

" Really? What happen? I don't really remember it.." I touched my head as I felt a sudden throbbing. I tried to remember but it hurts my head.

" You got into fight with a gang of students but I don't know who they are.."

Then my mind began to flash back everything that happen. From when seungwan shouted at me until I lost conscious. 

" Unnie? Why are you crying?" Lia asked me in concern. I touched my cheeks to feel it became wet.. Oh right, how I wish that I just die that day. There's no point in continue to live.. I just lost  my motivation.

I reassured Lia that there is nothing to worry about. It's my problem so let me be the one bear it. I don't want those sympathy thingy.. It's just make me weaker. Thank god that she didn't questioned more.

She pulled out some foods for me since I haven't eat for two days. I thanked her for taking care of me. 

" Hey Lia, I'll just go now since you're here.." The girl earlier appeared infront of us with warm smile. Oh right, I don't remember seeing her anywhere..

" Yeah you sure.. Thank you yeji.. Ah y/n , this is hwang yeji, one of my members." I shook the eye cat girl hand awkwardly. Gosh her hands are so soft.. 

" Get well soon unnie! Maybe then we can get to know each other more.." She show me her eye-smile me before finally left me in flustered. Lia smirked at me while shooking her head.

" Ooooh.." I smacked her head playfully and glared. Aish this kid really.

Just as I was about to lift my food, the door bursted open making me flinched and the food flying away. I stared at the food that now laying on the ground with upset. Who the hell did that?!

" YAH PARK Y/N!!! ARE YOU OKAY??" Right, who else could it be? And how come she know about my condition. I looked at Lia with question look as she just mouthed sorry.

" Sorry unnie.. Seulgi keep asking everyone in school about you so I tell her.." I sighed, telling her that it's okay. I turned back to seulgi, who is now facing me with furious looks.

" What happen?" She asked.

At first I don't want to bring that jerk name but since she keeps bugging me so I gave up and tell her the truth. Her ears turn to red due to anger she feeling right now. A mad bear is a mad seulgi and trust me, you really don't want to see that side of her..

" WHat ThE HeLL?!!" I closed my ears because she just freaking screamed beside me. Lia also closed her ears.. Damn it kang seulgi..

" I'm calling police.."

" What?! No! Please don't.."

" But he beat you park y/n."

I know that she was being serious cause she use my fullname which she rarely do. I pleaded her with my puppy hoping that she would gave in. She can't resist me remember?

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now