
757 31 4

Y/n pov~

" What the hell.." I muttered as I reread the article. It was trended world wide but that's not the point. The fact that her name popped in the article making me more interested in reading it.

But yeah, I regretted it immeadiately.

" No way.. We just got together like yesterday and now she's cheating on me??" I mumbled and read the comments. Everyone was supporting the ship like it was the best thing that ever happen..

Not gonna lie, to be honest they do look perfect together. A beautiful person like her deserve a charming guy like him. Being with me just will make her hurt even more..


What the hell did I just thought? 

I should trust seungwan. She won't do this..

I know her for years.

Suddenly someone barged into room making me dropped the phone unconsciouly. I looked up to see who the culprit only to find yeri smile subtly at me. " Yeri?? Why are you here??" I asked as she stepped closer to me, wearing a stupid smirk. She seems sus?

" Ahhh y/n unnie, do you know that you can discharge today??" She asnwered me back with question. I stared at her with excited filling my body. " OMG REALLY?!!" I gasped as she just nodded her head repeatedly. 

She went to the small table beside me and showed me a bag. " Put your things here!! Actually, seungwan unnie told me to pick you up." My smiled died as soon as I heard that. Is she that busy?? Busy with that yoongi guy??

" Okay.." I replied in a slow voice. Yeri must noticed that my excited down cause she patted my shoulder in reassuring. " Have faith in seungwan unnie okay?" I looked at her and smile slightly. She pulled the bag earlier and started packing my clothes and other stuff. She gave me a bag and told me to change into it.

" Why?? Are we going somewhere??" I asked as I stared at the bag. She just smile teasingly and pushed me inside the bathroom. " Don't rip that outfit!!" She shouted making me rolled my eyes.

" Kim Yerim, such a teasing beagle."


3rd person pov~

" That's not the way to my house.." Y/n said as they turned left while y/n house is on the right. Yeri turned to joy who was driving beside her. " Can I tape her mouth please??" Joy shook her head and scratched her head in annoyance.

" Ughh why we still don't reach there??!" She shouted in pain as she took a U-turn. " Wait, we should turn right not taking U-turn you idiot!!" The maknae exclaimed making the tall one became more pissed at the moment.

" Can't you shut up for once?? If not I'll crash this car on right so only you will die." Joy replied as she focused back to the road. Yeri rolled her eyes and turned to y/n who make a bored expression all the time.

" Why did you pulled me with you again??" Y/n asked with plain voice. Not angry nor sad, just empty. Probably not good.

Yeri chuckled nervously and gawked at the tablet in front her. " Hey joy unnie, turn left after 100 metres!!" The driver nodded her head and pulled the car over the place on the left. She stopped in front of a place full of blue and yellow-white thingy.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now