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3rd person pov~

Y/n discharged a few days later which make her happy. Happy to know that she can finally inhales fresh air again.

" Ahh, this is the best.." She said as soon as she walked around the park to go to the new cafe. Recently, she has been going out with yeji. The girl is fun to be with.

Her eyes greeted the sight of yeji figure at the cafe. Without hesitation, she went behind the girl sneakily to suprise the latter. Yeji yelped as soon as y/n shook her shoulder out of nowhere.

" What the h-" She can't even finished her words when the older girl smacked her head.

Y/n glared at yeji, telling with her eyes not to swear. Yeji giggles nervously before showing a peace sign.

" Relax unnie.. It just come out.. I'm a good girl.." She flashed her eye smile. Y/n shook her head as she took a sit in front the latter. She ordered some coffee before focusing back at yeji.

" So, how is lia?" She asked the younger.

" Oh unnie, she has been more active these days. She keeps blabbering around about this and that. I think that maybe one day, we will lost our sense-"

Yeji talked nonstop while y/n just stared at her, blankly. Even though she heard the girl voice, her mind traveled to someone else. Someone that she supposed not to think about.

After a few minutes, she came back to her sense when she heard yeji called out for her. She looked at the girl with questionable face.

" Are you even listening or not?" Y/n shook her head slowly and hung it low.

" It's okay unnie, if you have any problems.. You can share it with me.." The younger reassured her unnie. Yeah, they just met a few days ago but that wasn't an excuse right?

Y/n smiled before telling her about seungwan. Of course that conversation wasn't complete without the older shed in tears. So to make it short, yeji ended up comforted the older.

Time passes so fast yet they're still chatting at the Cafe. Yeji looked at her wristwatch and back to the older, cracking a small smile.

" I'm sorry unnie, but I think I need to go now.. Besides lia might be worrying about me.." Y/n arched her eyesbrows, looking suspiciously at the light fury girl. Just then her lips form a smirk. 

" Oohh, she is that overprotective huh?" Yeji widen her eyes as her cheeks flushed red. Seeing this sight of yeji making the older chuckled. She knew it. Yeji and lia were something.

" N-No.. That's not w-w-what I mean.. Ahhh unnie!" The younger whined cutely. Y/n laughed before continuing.

" Yeah, that's not w-w-what y-you mean..HAHHAHA!" She mocked the younger as the latter just hung her head low due to embarrassment. She smacked her unnie arm playfully, not forgetting to glare with those cat eyes. 

" You'll get your revenge.. Just wait then.." Y/n still laughed upon hearing that. She doesn't even flinched to the younger threats. 

They bid goodbye and went home. While walking, a small smile never leave y/n face. She glad that she met yeji. She felt a little relieved now..

But as soon as she reached her house, she frowned. She doesn't know how to survive at school tomorrow.. But one thing for sure is that she is going to ignore seungwan.. As if that is the best.. 

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now