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Woah 1k already?? Thank you guys for reading this trash of mine >.< 

So here a gift from me, newly chapter haha, I don't know what to do anymore

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So here a gift from me, newly chapter haha, I don't know what to do anymore. Enjoy it! Love you guys!

sorry if kinda sucks and short chapter.. I'm very busy at the moment


3rd person pov~

Noise of ambulance sirens filled all over the place. Red velvet members were crying while watching one of their precious member being carried by medical staffs.

The news of seungwan shocked the whole place and everyone there. Who would thought that this kind of thing will happen, no one.

However, the show must continue by hook or by crook. Even though the stage wasn't that safe, they still want other idols to perform since there is a lot of people who already paid for the ticket.

Irene and others decided not to performing there. They don't think that they can dance and sing without bawling their eyes out. So not to risk their performance, they quit and cancel everything.

After talking with their manager, he agreed and let them go to hospital. Y/n wasn't there at moment as she accompany seungwan to hospital. She felt like it was her fault for the girl to hurt like this. If she monitored the girl earlier, all of this weren't going to happen.

She sighed out loud while looking at seungwan, who is now sleeping peacefully. Luckily that the girl doesn't get any serious injuries. She might broke her pelvis and wrist but other than that part is perfectly fine.

Y/n thought that she need to thank solar one day. If it wasn't for that girl, she won't able to know about this incident and seungwan might get worst.

" Hey y/n.." The door clicked open and 4 girls came in sight. Irene walked to y/n slowly and patted her back. " It's okay, she will wake up soon.." The leader reassured their manager. Before y/n could replied, seulgi butted in.

" Yeahh, it's not your fault though that it happen.. Maybe it's just our fate.." She hugged her bestfriend and slowly lifted her up. Seeing that y/n just frowning at her, she continued.

" You need to rest bud. You must haven't eating anything since yesterday so I decided to bring some food.." Y/n face lighten up a bit hearing her friend concerning about her. She just nodded slowly and let her body being dragged by seulgi.

They reached inside the newly cafe that near the hospital. They ordered food and stayed silent until seulgi broke it. " Look at you, a mess.." She shook her head while y/n took out a mirror to look at her face. Her eyes were very puffy and red indicating that she cried too much last night.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now