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3rd person pov~

Y/n sat down with them at sofa as they continued talking about random stuff. Just then seulgi asked her a question that make her snapped her head towards the latter. " Y/n-ah, how did you find our practice room?" Everyone attention now is on y/n. She gulped hard before answering the bear.

" Uhmm, there is a guy named jaemin help me earlier.." Y/n noticed how seungwan looked at her emotionless. Seulgi hummed in response and went closer to her friend ear, whispering something that wasn't audible to others.

" Yo, don't bother about seungwan, she is out of her mind lately.." Y/n nodded her head then began to focus on her phone. She felt someone stared at her intensely so she looked up to meet seungwan eyes.

" Yes?" She asked politely with slightly raised her eyebrow. Seungwan blinked once then scoffed at her before finally left. 

Y/n gazed as the girl slowly approaching her members and choreographer. " Weird.." She put out her earphone and began wear it because the music in here blast too loud.

She played some one direction songs while tapping her thigh, making sure that it wasn't that loud so she won't disturbed them. 

In the other hand, seungwan seems to lose her focus. She can't helped herself but to take small glances at y/n. She miss the girl so much and hearing that she is still alive making her heart jumped in happiness. But plot twist happen and the girl she loves doesn't remember her. It breaks her heart knowing that she is the reason why y/n state is like this. 

But in all seriousness, she felt a slightly happy. Happy that y/n doesn't remember her. Happy that y/n doesn't remember the pains she had caused to the girl. And this is why she made up her mind to being cold towards the latter. She felt guilty and terrible so she want y/n to hate her. She thought that maybe this is the best option..

" Seungwan-ah, don't lose yourself. We still have a lot to recover so put your mind together." The choreographer scolded her as she keep making small mistakes.

Seungwan bowed and apologized, promising to not repeat her mistake. After all, she still an idol and she has an image to take care of. She can't let their fans seeing her sad sides since she is usually the bubbly one.

They continued to practice until it was late to midnight. They packed all of their stuffs and went to y/n who is sleeping with her mouth agape a little. Seulgi chuckled and took a couple pictures of it before waking up the girl.

" Yah y/n, wakey wakey! Let's go eat and then head home." Y/n slowly rubbed her eyes and stretched her body. " How long have I been slept?" She asked the latter.

" 2 hours." Irene replied that make y/n widen her eyes. 

" Woah really?!"

" Yeah yeah, let's go now unnie, I'm hungryyyyy.." Joy whined then clinged into y/n arm. At first y/n was taken aback but deciding to ignore it. Guess she was already use to someone clinging to her. Mostly she felt comfortable with it. 

Joy pulled the older towards their van, not noticing that someone already threw her invisible daggers behind her back. She watched how flirty her dongsaeng towards her long lost crush making her boiled in anger. Realising what she was doing, she slapped her cheek softly.

" I'm not jealous right?"


" Unnie, say ahh." Joy gently put some wrap infront of y/n. The manager smiled at her and ate it happily. Everyone who was watching their interaction grimaced in disgust. Mostly yeri who looked at them with unreadable face. 

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now