
688 38 19

3rd person pov~

Saying that everyone is shocked by a sudden visit from the dazzling man is understatement. Everything was nothing than pure awkwardness.

Suga moved a bit to get a better view and tried to spot a certain person. " Hey, may I ask.. Where is Wendy?" He reasoned out his true intention of going to them. He was trying to in touch with that Canadian since yesterday yet no answer.

" Ohh, she wasn't here at the moment.. Do you have any messages for her?" Seulgi replied politely and faking a smile. She can feel something odd going on. Hell, she doesn't even knew that those two knew each other.

" Ahh I see.. Please tell her to answer my text.. Thank you." Suga felt the tense air from Joy and Yeri so he quickly excused himself. The last thing that he want from them are deathly glares especially from the duos.

As his back figure finally fade from their eyesights, the duos laughed loudly and fist bumped each other. " Did you saw his face??" Yeri asked joy who nodded and giggled.

" Yeahh! Hell, I feel like he is afraid of us.."

" You guys are cruel.." Irene shook her head, trying to hold her smile but ended up cracking a bit too. Seulgi on the other hand quickly took out her phone and informed seungwan about the unexpected guest. She soon received a message by the girl saying that she will be there.

A tired sigh left her mouth as she thought about the possible things that could happen.

" Hope there is no drama now.."


Who knows that the so called unrequited love will turn out otherwise? Guess fate really pulled a prank on her. She felt hurts, pain and worst heartbreak but in all seriousness, she felt thankful for bringing her to the girl that she deeply in love.

" What are you thinking about?" Wendy asked in and stroked the girl hair softly. Y/n responded with small hum after feeling a bit sleepy.

" Nothing much.. Just some old stuff.." As wendy heard that, she pulled away and stood straight while facing y/n with guilty smile.

" Talking about past.. I never got to say sorry.." She trailed off and fidgeting her fingers. Thinking about it make her felt terrible. She caused the girl so much pain and she doesn't even know if she ever deserve to be here, in the person she loves embrace.

Y/n seems to notice the sudden change on wendy face so she held the girl hand and rubbed it softly. " It's okay wannie.. You don't own me any apologize.." Wendy sighed and messaged her temple. She looked up to meet y/n warm eyes and curved a small smile.

" At least you own me explanation right?"

"Go ahead.. I'm all ear."

" Remember your last game of archery?"

" Hmm, you mean the day where chris confessed to you?"

Y/n grimaced with her mouth mentioned a certain name. Wendy who saw it chuckled lightly before continued.

" Yes.. I never like Chris.. He wasn't the one that I waited to court me. I don't know what to do when he suddenly knelt down. If I turn him down, surely he will get humiliated from many people that's why I accepted him.."

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now