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i'm bored in my house... really bored ..  Anything I should do??


Y/n pov~

" NO WAY!" I shouted and laughed nervously after hearing that. I mean, it doesn't make any sense that the japanese girl will like me. I'm just a potato here.

" YES WAY!" Tzuyu screamed back making me glared at her. This tall yoda really don't have anything to do except than annoy me.

" How would you be so sure about it?" I lifted my left eyebrow as I stared her packing her bag. Noticed my wristwatch, the recess must have end by now.

But instead getting any reply, she just left me hanging there like a dumb person. Thank god that I already packed my bow or else I'll shoot her without any doubt..

I shut my eyes and groaned quietly. " Shit! After this I have same class with mina. How am I going to act normal after this? Damn you chewy.." I rubbed my forehad in frustation. It's going to be awkward for sure...

" YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? GO BACK TO YOUR CLASS!!" I flinced upon hearing  Mrs Ho shouted not too far. I looked around my surroundings seeing no one was here, tsk am I really the last one? Oh shit, I even forget about Mrs Ho..  I lifted my legs then sprinted as fast as I can before it get even worse.

I eventually reached gym 1 minute early. " Fuh, that was so close.." I sighed before went into toilet to change into P.E uniform. Since like everyone is already at gym as I noticed that there is no other students except for me here. Well, that seems unusual though.

" Where the hell did you go??" Seulgi asked me after seeing me walked inside the gym with poker face. She doesn't look corcern but rather annoys. " Urm, I went to archery practice." I replied, not focusing at her cause my eyes wandered around trying to find a certain person.

 Just then, my eyes stop at the girl with blonde-haired girl. I guess she dyed her hair since her hair usually brown but seriously, the colour blonde really suited her. Plus her gummy-smiles really complimented her looks right now.

Even from this far, I can easily see her moles. It's not even look ugly but rather flawlessly there. Damn, she the only girl I know that have such a beautiful moles.

I didn't noticed that I was staring for too long until her eyes met mine and that was the end of everything. I smiled while waving towards her as she responded back shyly. Gosh, is it just me or did I saw that her face went red?

I marched to her, leaving seulgi who was nagging non-stop at me. 

" Hey!" I approached her with her other member, I think her name was sana or something. " Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" Her friend replied and nudged her arm.

I tilted my head then pouted. " Aw, you don't want me to be here?" Mina shook her head rapidly, still showing me her gummy-smile. " You know that we don't mean that." I sticked out my tongue towards her friend.

" HA HA HA, only mina love me here.." I pulled the mention girl into a tight hug still sticking out my tongue playfully. Her friend looks annoy though. Well, sorry for being the childish me..

I pull away and noticed that mina face was clearly red. Is she sick or what?

" You okay there?" I put my hand at her forehead to check the temperature. It was fine? She shook her head and pushed my hand away.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now