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I miss hearing her singing💙 she's indeed a princess

I miss hearing her singing💙 she's indeed a princess

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P.S : sorry for bad grammar haha


Y/n pov~

I waited for seulgi, as she still packing her stuff. Just we about to left, wendy approached us.

“ Hey guys! Can I walk with you today?” She asked us with hope filling her eyes.

“ Uhm I'm sorr-”

“ Yes you can!” I cutted seulgi which make her yelp in surprised. Well I'm shocked with myself too...

Wendy smile grew wider then locking my left arm with her. Just typical bestfriend action...

I was busy with my thoughts that I even forget seulgi who sulked beside me. She even pouted..

Hey seul, you okay?” She turn to me and smirked. Damn, I knew it already.. She just acting it.. Why am I even convinced with it..

I unlocked my hand in wendy grip and went to seulgi. I felt like I want to kill this girl already..


3rd person pov~

Joy spot her friends walking at entrance. She frown upon seeing y/n avoiding wendy..


“ Hey unnie! Are you okay?” Joy asked the older girl as she just stared blankly at nothing.

“ Oh joy, nothing.. Just filling my thoughts..” She noticed that this isn't the usually wendy. The girl always has this bubbly side and don't even mention those cheesy lines.

Something must happen and badly affected her unnie.. Her unnie isn't a type who always show her true emotion, she just like keeping it inside.

“ Do you think y/n and seulgi are a thing?”

“ Eh?” The younger was taken aback. It's was rather complicated thing to hear in such a nice day.

Wendy looked at her donsaeng with almost tearing eyes. The eyes that are telling that she is hurt inside. Joy face soften at the sight of her unnie.

“ Unnie, come on. Don't be a silly. No way that y/n and seulgi are dating. They're just a bestfriend since child, that's why they're extremely close.” She comforted her unnie.. Imagine those two in relationship, this world would be a apocalypse.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now