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I don't proofread for mistakes so, I'm sorryyy >.<


Y/n pov~

What the hell?

" It's really you! OH MY GOD!" Alyson's sister embraced me into a tight hug. I was so shocked at the first place so I couldn't move my muscles a bit. Realising what just happen, I slowly pushed her away. How did she even know my name?

" Who a-are you?" I asked as her face turned into confused. She looked at me unreadable face. " Yahh, it's me, jennie! Don't you remember me??" She asked and shook my shoulder aggressively.

" Pardon?" I tilted my head in confusion. Who is this girl? Most importantly why did she shaking my shoulder?!

I pushed her away softly, still smiling. After all I don't want to sound rude. Alyson went to us with blank face. Her sister looked at like wanting an explaination. She pulled her sister away leaving me dumbfounded. Great now I'm all alone.

I walked inside to find them already sitting at dining like nothing happen awhile ago. This family sure weird hmm. I sat beside alyson as her sister keep gazing at me. " Yes?" I asked her but she just looked away. Just then, she spoke unfamiliar name to me.

" I need to tell chaeyoung about this.." Chaeyoung? Who is that?

" Pardon?" 

" Y/n-ah, you really don't remember anything? What really happen that night?" I shook my head towards her question.

" Urmm, your grandma say she will tell me how she found me.." I trailed off as the mentioned old woman sat down with us at table. She told us to stop talking and eat first, which we all obeyed to her.

After done eating, we gathered at living room. Their living room wasn't that big so alyson and I ended up sitting at floor. The old woman coughed fakely before continued.

" So, y/n please don't be shy and just called me nana.." I just nodded in response. " Okay here we go.."


3rd person pov

Mrs Kim and her granddaughter were walking back to their house until the younger girl suddenly shouted which took her by surprise. " What happen??" She quickly went to the younger girl. Alyson pointed to the near bushes as the old lady averted her gaze towards it. Her eyes then filled with terrified looks.

There she saw a..


Without hesitation, she went to the unconscious body to check her pulse rate. Thank god that she still alive but she losing too much blood. Mrs Kim called alyson to bring the fainted girl back their house as she herself will go and find some herbs to stop the bleeding.

At home, she treated as much as she can. She used to be a doctor and she felt thankful for it. As she done with it, she let the girl rest. From her what she saw, she could tell that the girl is going to loss her memories since the hit was hard and almost affect her brain. If she wasn't there on the right time, the girl infront of her could have died..

But one thing that she never expected is that she will be in coma for such a long time..

Days turn into weeks..

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now