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This is literally a trash HAHAHAHAHAHA.. I just don't know how to write.. Duh maybe I should stop..


3rd person pov~

Two days already passes and y/n already go to school like usual. Since the day where seulgi threw cold shoulders towards seungwan, the girl rarely join them in their lunch. She will either went to rooftop or stay in class. She also have been distancing herself from her group which is red velvet.

The first day y/n stepped inside her class, first thing that she noticed was the tense atmosphere between seulgi and seungwan. She knew something was up but she doesn't know what.

" Maybe I should just ask others.." She mumbled to herself. No way that seulgi will tell her. That girl is full of secrets.

She shrugged her thoughts and went to her desk beside seulgi. She settled down before averted her gaze towards a certain girl. She caught seungwan staring at her but then the girl broke it.

Y/n frowned while looking back at seungwan. What really happens?


Y/n pov~

" Hey seul, can you wait for me? I need to settle something.." I said as she just nodded in response. Lifting my legs, I walked towards seungwan who still packing her stuff. 

" Hey seungwan.." I can sense that she was shocked as in I'm somewhat some kind of mafia or bad person. Pfft too much playing games..

" H-Hey... urmm y-y/n.." She replied, still hung her head down making me more confused. What the hell happen? 

" So, do you want to join us for lunch?" I pointed out my intention to her. She looked behind me to spot seulgi and faced me back, shooking her head. I knew it, something was up between them.

" Maybe not.. Chris said that he need me.." As she finished her sentences, I found myself tearing up a little. I curved a fake smile while nodding my head.

" Yeah, sure no biggie.. See you later.. maybe not." I whispered the last sentences so she won't hear it. She smile bitterly at me and asked to leave. I walked back to seulgi with teary eyes.

" Yah what happen? Did you cry??"

" Nah, just dust in my eyes.."

After that we went straight to cafeteria to meet others. Seulgi insisted to buy me a food so I just gave in. She has been more protective than ever since that incident. Talking about that thing, I still can't believed that I got reject before even confess to her.. It's just wow..

" You okay now y/n?" Irene asked me as I sat beside yeri. I just hummed in response as my mood suddenly down thinking about that thing. Yeri, who beside me, not even noticing me since she was too immersed to her food. 

Deciding to tease her, I took her apple and bite it happily. She startled upon seeing a hand grabbed her apple and stared at me with deadly eyes. Well, this is not the best idea..

" Yah unnie?! Why would you took my apple? What mine is mine.. BACK OFF.." I flinched hearing her screamed loudly near my ears. I just show her my cheeky smile and handing back half of the apple. She shut her eyes tightly, glaring at me after that. Damn, note that I won't took her foods again.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now