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Y/n Pov-

I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple before finally dashed out from house. I looked at my right, not seeing my brother car which make me somehow annoyed.

" He left me again, what the h-"

" I don't and come on, fasten up your pace.. You were like 5 minutes late than what we promised about heeeeee!" I turned to him with shock all written over my face after hearing he whined not so cutely.

I just stood there and stared at him in disbelief. I thought he left already, like what he always do anyways. But what the h-

" YAH PARK Y/N, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!" My face turn white. How did he know??? Oh god, I should talking inside my mind.. Like really.

I walked inside his car with fake smile. He just shrugged his shoulder before drove to our school. That is my brother by the way. His name is Park chanyeol. He is the only sibling that I have though. He is sometimes annoying and we fought a lot back then but I know that he loves me. He quites famous at school for his looks of course while me, nah I'm just a potato.

We eventually reached school 10 minutes earlier like usual. Well, I love going to school early cause I want to spend my time reading books. Yeah, I'm a nerd girl... So what? I don't care, my hobby anyways.

I went off his car, bid a goodbye before walking to my favorite place, library. Ms Han greeted me with soft smile as she knew I'll always come here before school starts.

“ Hey y/n, any books that you like so far?” She questioned me after I approached her back.

“ No, but I think I'll find one later..” I smiled and went to the bookshelves. So many books that make me don't know where to start.

“ How about this one?” I took a book with beautiful cover.

“ To All The Boys I've Loved Before..” I read the title quietly. Hmm kinda interesting, so I'm going to borrow this one. As I was about to walk away, a pair of hands pulled me into a hug.

“ Nerd y/n as always..” The person said close to my ear. By hearing her voice, I already know who it is.

“ Wendy? How did you find me?” She let go the hug and stood beside me, leaning over one of the bookshelves. She lifted her left eyebrow while looking at me.

“ You're too easy to read y/n. It's not like we just met yesterday..” I shrugged my shoulder then walk away leaving her.

“ Yahh! Don't leave me..” She jog to catch my pace. She put her hand around my shoulder like she usually do. Damn, this girl is so cringey.

I was about to protest but then I kinda like it so I just let it be. We walked to counter as she waited for me. As I finish which took forever, she put her arm on my shoulder again.

We walked to our class since we shared same schedules. As I was about to enter the class, someone tackle me down into a tight hug which make wendy grip on my shoulder loose.

“ Oh god, I miss youuuuu!” Seulgi said, still on top of me. I groaned in pain then push her away.

“ You're about to broke my bones!” I snapped at her. Truth tho, my back hurts now. Thanks to that bear.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now