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Y/n pov~

Did I died yet? Nope but I hope so.. And if I truly die tonight, I want to settle some things before I go.. I want to clear it out.. With seungwan and my bestfriend, seulgi..

Yes, I remember everything already. That bitch alyson just happen to knock me really hard on my head. I fell unconscious and getting a dream.. A dream that felt like dejavu..

As the man went outside, I keep processing in my head, how to leave this place, safe and sound. But it seems just hard as it is.

" There must be some ways to get out from here.." I mumbled while looking everywhere. Everything was pitched black so I barely saw anything.

" Seulgi, help me.. Seungwan-ah, save me.. Everyone.. Please.."


3rd person pov~

" Where are you going this late? " Irene asked the bear who was dressing up in black. Everyone attention was on seulgi now, as she just ignored it.

" I'm going to find y/n.." She replied, audible for her members to hear. Irene stepped forward and opened her arms, not letting seulgi escaped.

" No, it might be dangerous.. We don't know what happen.. She might has already di-"

" NO!"

Everyone was shocked due to seulgi outburts towards the leader. Irene flinched and back away a little from the bear. She had her eyes closed while gritting her teeth. She balled her fist tightly.. Tight enough to make it turned white within seconds.

" Don't say that.." Seulgi opened her eyes slowly, showing her teary and red eyes. Looking her member stated, Irene felt guilty. She knows how precious y/n to the bear.. Plus, there is a secret that she helped to keep since then.. The secret that no one knows except her and seulgi herself.

" Seul, I'm so-"

" No unnie, save it.. You don't understand... It still doesn't change..."

" What do you mean?" Seungwan asked the two in confusion. Seulgi looked at her for a second before dashing away out of their dorm, leaving 3 girls in confused and the other one hung her head low.

" Irene unnie, what does seulgi mean by that words?" Seungwan asked her unnie.. She knows that seulgi is y/n bestfriend but she can't helped to feel odd with her sudden words earlier.

Irene lifted her head up, facing the other three. She took a deep breath before continue.

" Y/n..."

" Is seulgi first love.."


Seulgi pov~

" Y/n, please hold on.. I'll be there.. Like how you always do for me.." I drove to the location that rose has sent to me.

" I still need to let you know this thing.. The secret that I keep since we were eighteen.. After 5 years, it still doesn't fade, even a bit.." I grasped the  steering tightly as tears keep flowing down my cheeks.

" Just hold on.. Please.." I muttered while keep driving at full speed. After a minutes, I finally reached the location. I parked my car not to far from the mentioned warehouse.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now