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3rd person pov~

2 years later---

It almost past midnight yet everyone eyes still alive. For some students who has school tomorrow already sleeping by then, some older get a rest after a long day of work. For some wild 20s people, they are currently in the most popular club in Seoul called Revel club, getting wasted, forgetting their responsibility as human beings.

Suddenly a luxurious mercedez came and stopped right in front of the club. A woman who about in her 20s came in view, looking alluring and stylist with black rayband and a mask that cover half of her face. She walked rushingly into the club with her heels that made a loud clack sounds as she went to the bartender.

Recognizing the woman, the bartender bowed and nodded his head, signalling the guards there to let the woman pass which they did. The woman went past them with her face slightly furrowed in anger. As she reached a certain door, she cursed underneath her breath before twisting the doorknob.

" Y-" She cutted herself when she saw a girl who was in terrible state. The girl was crying mess and had like 4 bottles of whiskey on her desk. The girl who used to wear all smiley face is now replaced with the gloomy one. The girl whom she called cousin.

" Y/N!!!" She gasped in terror and ran straight to the mentioned girl who seems unconscious due to many alcohol. " You do know that you have low tolerance in alcohol right??" She scolded the girl as she picked the glass from her.

The latter looked at her with puffy eyes and bags under her eyes. Her tears stained still there and her eyes almost went red due too much tears. " Chaeyoung-ah.." She called in pain as she tried to stand up.

This sight broke the chaeyoung girl. " Don't move, you're drunk." She replied softly and gestured the latter to sit back. Y/n shook her head and pushed her cousin's hands. She chuckled painfully and turned to the latter.

" I'm a mess right??"

Rose shook her head and softly caressed the latter face, wiping the girl tears. " It's not your fault y/n.. The world is too cruel for both of you.." She grabbed her cousin slowly and brought her to couch near them. She tucked y/n using the blanket there, humming a song softly making y/n eyes getting heavier.

" Don't leave m-me.." Y/n whined desperately while her eyes still closing. A small tears left the girl eyes as rose quickly wipe it away.

" I won't leave you like they do y/n.. I will always here for you.. Your cousin will never leave you.."


OMG!! Okay the end.. seriously the end guys.. I wonder would you guys like for sec book?? Comment, vote and follow me for more!!! If this chapter reach 20 votes, I'll make book 2 where we can find out where wendy go.. Heck, where is seulgi also.. They just vanished, leaving y/n in poor state..

Also, I'll include some new characters in the future!! See ya in next book!! Don't worry, I'll comeback with more exciting events.. Make sure to participate in it~

Thank you for reading this story. Honestly I love you guys!! Follow, vote and check out my other books!


Love- author nim

Love- author nim

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