
752 49 16

Hey, I'm back for awhile, miss me? 😉

3rd person pov ~

This last few weeks have been exhausting for y/n. First, she has many works and busy being manager since irene and seulgi will having a comeback as a subunit project.

It's not like she hate her work, it's just the conflict between her and the bear looking girl.

She was really mad to the point that she snapped the poor girl right away after alyson left them. Seulgi tried to apologize but the latter just shut her down.

Including this day, they haven't talked for one week now. Y/n felt bad for her bestfriend but her ego just surpassed her more.

" Seul, let's go now." Irene grabbed the younger arm and pulled her into van.

Seulgi glanced at her bestfriend figure that slowly approaching the shot gun side of van. She was about to greet the latter again but irene cutted her off.

" Seul? Let's go, we're already late. "

Seulgi sighed tiredly and immediately followed her unnie. Y/n on the other side noticed that the bear wanted to greet her but she just shrugged it off. It's still early, that's what she thought.

Through the ride, no one ever started the conversation. Y/n minding her own business, irene listening to music while seulgi staring y/n's back. After a few minutes, they reached the company.

" You guys go first, I need to use toilet." Y/n spoke as soon as they stepped inside the entrance.

" OKAY!!" Seulgi replied cheerfully. The latter looked at her for a bit before walking away. The bear smile soon turned into frown.

" It's okay seul, she will understand soon.. " Irene rubbed the girl back as they went to their practice room.

If y/n only knew that her bestfriend was trying to protect her that day...

Y/n pov~

" I'm sorry seul.." I muttered after wadhing my face. I felt extremely bad. Why would I do that to her? I don't know..

My thoughts were cutted off by the sound of footsteps coming in. Before I can even react, a pair of hand grabbed me.

" Got you.." with that everything went black.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Everything was pitched black that I could barely see any light. I tried to rub my head but my hands were tied up.

" Where am I?" I mumbled underneath my breath.

" You awake?" That voice. It's too hard to be true. It can't be right?

" Alyson?" The called girl came in view with fancy looking outfit. What the heck?

" Hey y/n, how are you? Still stealing someone else property?" She asked as her voice filled with venom.

" What?" I furrowed my eyes while staring at her.

She rolled her eyes and slapped me hard that made me yelped with sudden pain.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now