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I don't proofread for mistakes, sorry😂😅


Y/n pov~

I stormed inside my room and bang the door closed. Tears keep running smoothly down my cheeks. I looked like someone who just got cheat by her lover which I'm.. How funny that I thought seungwan will like me back.. Completely funny..

" Y/n! Are you in there? What happen?" My brother knocked at my door twice. Instead replying to him, I just sat still and buried my face to my knees.

" Whatever happen, I'll always be here.. Talk to me when you're ready.." I guess he left cause I heard sound of footages slowly faded away.

I continued crying silently since I don't want my brother to worry about it. It's my problem so I should have face it alone. I shouldn't be like this.. But why it felt so much pain? My feelings and all were some kind of joke to you?

Then again I know that I can't be mad at seungwan. She doesn't even know about my damn feelings.. She just clueless about everything. It's all because of my feelings towards her.. I shouldn't have fell for her.. I should just move on when I have time..

Everything came back, hitting me with no mercy. Every moments and memories that we shared together. But one thing that hits me very hard is the fact that I just lose in freaking competition. I might win against Chris in archery but I lose to him winning seungwan's heart.. I just too late for everything..

I snapped myself into reality when I heard someone knocking at door.

" Hey y/n, it's me seulgi.. Please open the door.." She said softly while leaning closer to the door. I stood up to open the door while smiling at her weakly. She quickly pulled me into hug that make me cry harder.

I don't have a sister and my mom rarely visits us make me lost love.. My brother do love me but there's some times where he don't understand about a girl feelings. 

That's why I felt really glad having seulgi here by my side. Like I said, she has been there since like forever. She pulled away the hug and wiped my tears that keep falling. She brought me to bed before finally let me lay there. 

" It's okay y/n. I saw it too so you don't have to me anything. We'll talk about this later but for now, just go to sleep until you feel a little bit okay." Without I realised, I completely dozed off after hearing she said that. I guess I was too tired.. Tired mentally and physically..


Seulgi pov~

I watched as y/n deep in her sleep. Gosh why is everything turned wrong? I thought that this could be the best day for her but guess what? I'm wrong.

I should have stop seungwan from going to Chris if I know that this could happen. Whatever this will lead next, I hope you're strong y/n.

I held her face that still have some tears stained at it.  I realised that her temperature suddenly increases. Guess she have some fever..I slowly got up and left her room.

I walked downstairs and went straight to kitchen to cook some soup. Her brother wasn't here at the moment because he has a business to settle with and since I went here, he told me to take care of y/n.

Nothing was here in their fridge so I guess I need to go buy some groceries. I wore my coat since it's cold outside before dashing out to near conveniece store. As I reached there, I bought some medicines and other ingredients until I saw  someone familiar inside the store. 

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now