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Y/n pov~

*Click*  *click*

I woke up upon hearing someone took pictures. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw seulgi smirking at me with yeri beside her. I groaned and tried to sit up but I felt something heavy stopped me. 

" Huh?" I looked beside me seeing wendy hug my body tightly. I tried to move but her grip is too strong which make me eventually fall back to the soft mattress. Those two just giggled and took our pictures again.

" Yah, stop taking our pictures!" I shouted quietly, not to wake up the angel beside me. Unfortunately I failed as I felt her shifted over and began to rub her eyes tiredly. She looked up to meet with seulgi and yeri who doesn't stop smirking while holding their phone.

" What? Why are you in here by the way?" She asked them. Seulgi waved her phone towards her and grinned widely.

" Ah, nothing much.. Just something I can use to tease you soon.." She left the room happily, leaving yeri that doesn't move a bit. I raised my eyebrow at her, waiting for her to left too but no, she just stayed there.

" You know, you can leave now.." Wendy suddenly said making  yeri groaned. What is wrong with this beagle girl? 

" Fineeee, you two can have a time alone.." With that she exited the room making me and wendy blushed. Wait, why did I even blush?! The hell..

I cleared my throat before facing wendy that already staring at me. " Yes?" She flinched and looked away. Tch, weird.. I thought that was it until she spoke without facing me.

" You can use the bathroom first.." I hummed in response and tugged her shirt. She looked back at me with confused. I pointed to her hands that are wrapping at my stomach. She widen her eyes and retrieved her arms almost immediately. 

" Sorry.." 

" Nah, it's okay.."

I stood up, stretching a bit and walked towards bathroom. As I closed the door, I placed my hand at my chest. My heart is beating abnormally. But why? Maybe I still scared about the thunderstorms last night..

Talking about last night, I've got a nightmare. I saw a girl, shouting at me and then leaving me away. I don't even know her but my heart feel too attach to her. But, Who is she?


Seungwan pov~

After y/n walked into the bathroom, I sighed in relief. What did I just do? Why am I freaking hug her arm? Stupid wendy, aishh.. You're supposed to be cold to her not falling to her again. But her warmth is kinda nice..

I shook my crazy thoughts and took out my phone. I saw many messages from our group chat. In curiousity, I opened it and read it. 


SEulBeaR: *send a picture*

SEulBeaR: Aren't they cute together???

YERMSqUIrtLe: Awww my heart!!

SExyDYnamITE: Yahh, what is my y/n doing with wendy unnie?!

EoMmaRenE: They are so cute but..


Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now