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Y/n pov~

3 years later..

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. The room is so unfamiliar with me. My surroundings were full with walls and floor that was made with wooden. Where am I actually? 

I touched my head that began throbbing fastly. I noticed that there is a piece of cloth that wrapped around it and a bit of something slimy. After a few minutes, I decided to stand up but as soon as I pushed my body, It collapsed back to the back. I sighed loudly until a knock interrupted my rambling. Just then the door cracked open and someone head popped out.

" Oh you are awake finally.. Gotta tell grandma about this." Before I can even asked her where the hell I am, she left with the door wide open. I rubbed my temple in frustration. What if they kidnapped me and want to sell me off? What if they make me as their slave? What if th-

" Hey.." A calm voice distracted me from my negative thoughts. I averted my gaze towards the voice, seeing an old woman in her 60s maybe? I don't really know.. She smiled softly at me. She looked no harm.. But if she do something bad to me, I can easily flip her off.

" Are you feeling better now?" She asked with worried face making her wrinkles showed at her forehead. I nodded my head slowly as the pain went away. She smiled sweetly and went beside me. 

" You can ask anything that you want. I know that you're still curious about it." Did she can read mind or what? Okay this is creeping me out..

I cleared my throat before continued. " So, what did I do here?" She looked me with unreadable face. " You don't remember anything?" She asked back making snapped into realisation. Right, why can't I remember a single thing about it?

" What is your name sweetie?" 

" My name is y/n.."

" So, y/n? Do you remember anything?" I shook my head with shocked written all over my face. Who am I kidding.. Like what the hell is happening..

" It's okay.. You don't have to push yourself.." As she finished that words, the door cracked open indicating someone enter the room. There I saw the same girl before with a tray of foods. She put it beside me as the old woman spoke again.

" Eat up kid. You've been sleep for like 3 years and I'm pretty sure that you're extremely hungry.." My eyes widen with her words. 3 freaking years?! How did I even survived? This place looks like far from city..

" What happen to me?" I asked her but she just gestured me to eat my food. " We will talk about this later.. For now, just rest and gain your energy back.." With that she left the room with the girl earlier. 

I dig in the food since I'm hungry as hell. This food taste hella good.. Something that I could never find at my favourite cafe... Wait, my favourite cafe? I scrunched my face trying to remember anything but it just add more pain to my head so I gave up.. Maybe that old woman was right, I shouldn't push myself.

As I finished the food, I tried to stand but my legs still can't functioning properly that caused me to fall back to the soft mattress. Sighing out loud, I didn't noticed that there is someone watching me all the time until I heard a giggles. I turned my head and saw the girl earlier. 

" You can't walk though, remember that you were in coma for nearly 3 years.." She left but eventually come back with a wheelchair. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilting my head to the side.

Bᴇsᴛғʀɪᴇɴᴅ? // S.S.W x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ // ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now