2). A New Start

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No one's POV:

Toby opened his eyes and found himself in an unknown room. It was dark, only a few sun rays peeked through the shutters. Toby sat up and looked around, he saw that there were 2 beds and 2 wardrobes. The one on the other side of the bed seemed to have stuff in it since a hoodie's sleeve popped out from underneath the door. The other bed was nicely made and had a few papers on it. Toby stood up and looked around the room then noticed a piece of paper on the nightstand next to the bed he was laying in just a few seconds ago. On it there was written in an elegant hand writing:


Toby repeated it out loud then he suddenly found himself in an office.

"Oh- Tobias your awake"

At the sound of the voice Toby snapped his head back and widened his eyes at the sight of the no-face figure. He backed away scared but as soon as he hit the wall the figure spoke again.

"no need to fear me child, I won't hurt you. I'm here to propose you another chance in life, a new start. After what happened I don't think you can go back to having a normal life, can you?"

Toby looked at the figure then looked at the floor and shook his head. He twitched and his neck cracked. The figure then nodded and started talking once again.

"you must be questioning why you're here. Well I want you to become one of my Proxies."

The figure started explaining what Proxies are, what they do and many other things.

"So? Will you join us?"

Toby twitched a lil then nodded.


"Good. Now allow me to introduce myself. I'm Slenderman or Slender for my Proxies. Since you are now part of us I want you to choose a Proxy name. Any ideas?"

The young boy kept twitching and cracking his bones. He mumbled a few things then shut up and stopped twitching and looked up straight at where Slender's eyes were supposed to be.

"Yes... T-Ticci... Toby..."

Slender nodded then walked right in front of Toby and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go meet the other Proxies and the Creepypastas now, shall we?"

The boy twitched and nodded


Then Slender and Toby walked out of the office and into a dining room.

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