17). Wierd Feelings

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Ticci Toby POV:

It had been a month now since I've became a Proxy. I moved out completely from my old room and moved into my new room in the Proxy hallway. I go on missions practically every day now and I never managed to fail Slendy. I put a lot of effort into my missions because I owe my new life to Slendy... Anyways! In these past weeks I've gotten pretty close to Hoodie and now I could say we are kind of best friends, Jane and I built up a strong siblings-like-relationships and I've gotten closer to EJ since I'm always getting hurt somehow during missions and he has to fix me up. I've also got to know better Clockwork and she isn't as bad as I thought she would be, to be honest I kinda like her, in a friendly way of course. I am not sure of how things are going with Masky... We did get closer since we now both are Proxies and our rooms are next to each other so we run into each other preeeeetty often. I must admit I really admire Masky... He's cool and Sledy respects him a lot. I don't know if I'm jealous of that... Ethen tho he gets pissed off at me easily, I feel really happy when I'm around him... I have to talk about this with someone... But someone who isn't close to him... Jane maybe? I got up from my bed and walked out of my room. As soon as I walked out I bumped into someone who was about to knock on my door. I looked up tand found myself face to face with Masky. I felt my face grow hot as I was pressed against the door and him right in front of me.


He stuttered and I quickly ducked under his arms and took a run for it. I left him there standing in front of my room as I rushed downstairs to Jane's room.

Things like this had been happening lately too... I might of might not walked in on him changing... Just a few times- I received a shoe in the face each time it happened... Gotta admit Masky does eat a lot and he hates when people bring up his weight but he is really fit, you might not notice it duo his large clothes but he really has a beautiful body- ok what the fuck am I even thinking-

I shook my head and walked down the hallway to Jane's room and knocked on the door. There was a little bit of shuffling before a voice called me in.
I walked into the room and saw Jane sitting at the desk with a few papers in her hand and Clockwork sitting on her bed with a book in her hand...

"D-did I I-i-interrupt something?"

"Huh? No what do you mean?"

Clocky said giggling nervously. I clicked my toungh and pointed at the book she holding then started scolding them both.

"F-Funny how y-you have been r-r-reading that book *tick* u-upside down and h-how Jane's p-papers are f-f-from *tick* old m-missions. Also p-pretty interesting t-that you, J-Jane, aren't *tick* w-w-wearing t-the same dress f-from this morning, you r-rarely change t-that dress. You *tick* take it o-off o-only to s-shower o-or sleep"

Both the girls were now staring at me dumbfounded. I looked at them and shrugged then pointed at the corner of the room.

"I also sujest you pick your jacket up, Clocky"

She got up and glanced at Jane who, from the corner of my eye, I saw blushing slightly. I smiled under my mouthguard and sat on the bed. There was an awkward silence for a solid 10 minutes but I soon broke it

"O-ok this is j-j-just *tick* awkward... You g-guys d-don't have t-t-to hide *tick* anything f-from m-me..."

Both the girls exchanged a glance before sighting. Jane was still sitting on at the desk but was now facing meand Clockwork sat down on the armchair across the room.

"Um... Toby... There is something I need to tell you... Well... We need to tell you.."

Jane started but soon Clockwork cut her off.

"Toby i know that at the start you were avoiding me a lot because you thought I had a massive crush on you"

I looked at her a bit shocked but then nodded slightly. She sighted and looked a lil hurtbut then continued talking.

"Don't get me wrong, you are very handsome but I never really had a crush on you... I kinda used you as a cover..."

Ok now I was confused.


Jane started talking again.

"You might get mad at us... But me and Clockwork figured out that... If maybe people thought that Clocky had a crush on you... The others wouldn't notice how close me and her are..."

I looked at Jane,then it hit me. I realized where this conversation was going. I looked back and fourth between the too girls and a huge smile painted on my face. I wripped off my mouthguard and stood up.

"y-you 2 are d-dating?!"

Clockwork looked away blushing furiously and Jane nodded.

"Please don't yell it out loud- we don't want everyone to find out that we are lesbian..."

"W-why tho? W-what's wrong w-w-with being l-lesbian? I b-bet the o-others won't j-judge you"

The girls smiled at me then looked at each other. I was relieved to know that Clockwork wasn't obsessed over me as I thought she was and that Jane and her are happy together. Jane suddenly turned to me.

"Um Toby, I never really asked you why you were here-"

I looked at her then sighted and layed down in her bed.

"U-Um... It's c-c-conplicated but a-after I found out *tick* a-about y-you 2 I g-guess it'll b-be easier..."

The had a confused expressions painted on their faces.

"What do you mean Toby?"

Cw asked me a lil concerned.

"D-don't worry it's n-n-nothing about y-you 2... It's a-about me... U-um... I h-have a *tick* q-question. .."

The girls both jumped up and sat on the bed next to me. I could tell they were both interested in what I was gonna ask. Jane nodded to tell me to go on.

"u-um... J-Jane... H-How do you k-k-know when you h-have a c-crush..?"

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