22). BR

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Ok so I know I said that I didn't own any of the characters in this story but I decided to add my own character in too, I'm sorry qwq. Anyways if you like after I'm done with this story I could write the one of my OC, leave a comment if you would like that or just if you have any requests. Anyways when I'm done with the drawing I will insert it up here so you have a better idea of what they look like. Now onto the story

No one's POV:

Toby sat there looking at the figure standing at the door frame.

"W-W-Who are y-you?! W-what do you want f-from *tick* me?!"

The teenager yelled at the figure. He then heard a light growl come from it.
He stumbled back and glanced at the closet where his hatchets were. If he was lucky enough he could make a run for it and manage to grab his them. He shuffled and got Rady but as soon as he was about to sprint forward the figure emitted a low unpleasant growl.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Besides I came here to check up why the fuck was I woken up by high pitch screams"

They spat out. Toby stood up and analyzed the figure. They were wearing a plain black hoodie with the hood up, skinny ripped jeans and black combat boots. The figure had a feminine form so Toby guessed it was a girl. She was slim and some golden locks peeked out from the hood and framed her face which was mostly covered by a very interesting mask, it only left uncovered her right eye which was pitch black. She was wearing a choker and her hands were shoved in her hoodie's pockets... Toby wasn't sure if she carried any weapons so he had his guard up just in case.

"S-sorry if I w-woke you u-up... B-but who are *tick* y-you?"

The girl sighted and walked in the room.

"Ya know the room down this hallway?"

"The one n-next to the *tick* b-black door w-with golden s-s-strings?"

The girl nodded slightly and continued talking.

"That room is mine, remember what's written on it?"

Toby stayed silent and thought for a while then shake his head.

"well then never mind-..."

Toby's POV:

She sighted then looked at my hands and glanced up at my face. I realized my mouth guard was off and my scar was visible. I immediately covered my face with my injured hands. In return I received a soft chuckle from her, I looked at her confused.

"Don't need to hide it, if you think I'll get scared or disgusted by that hah I can't even immagine your reaction at my face"

I looked at her as she chuckled and shakes her head. She then looked at me again.

"Oh forgot to introduce myself-
I'm BR"

"U-Um nice t-t-to meet you, I'm T-Toby"

She nodded then looked at my undone bed.

"Go sit down ill be right back"

And with that she walked to my bathroom and I did as she said. I waited a lil until she came back with the First Aid Kit and sat next to me. She then pointed at my hands, at first I hesitated then I held out my hands. She gently took them and grabbed some disinfectant, BR started treating my hands and wrapping them in bandages. She was extremely gentle and her fingers moved swiftly around my wounds. She was wearing black leather fingerless gloves and had black varnish on her nails. She finished bandaging my hands and stood up. BR put away the kit and walked back to the bed and glanced at the door that was laying on the floor.

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